Pillow to Post (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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ATTRACTIVE NEWSPAPER FEATURE The Fellow St5mfo Hollywood’s glamorous stars, known for their early rising—they must be on the set and ready for shooting by eight—have taken to heart a brand new dance which is ideally suited for early retiring rug-cutters. It is fondly called The Pillow Stomp. The dance’s stoutest advocate, lovely Ida Lupino, goes through its more intricate steps in the accompanying film strip from her current Warner hit, “Pillow To Post.” — Cee LLG ate SS Onel scene “Stop the Stomp,” sighs GROOVE-Y!’ screams Ida as she Ida contentedly, as she leaves this world in a tremendous, yawns once or twice and if not exactly graceful, leap. Recprepares for a sound ommended for stout hearts only, night’s sleep. Completely The Pillow Stomp is guaranteed to relaxed, Ida bids you all a induce a musical sleep. (Ed. Note: pleasant good night. (Ed. Ida begins with a little Now the Stomp begins to The call of the Stomp gets into Ida’s blood. curtsy, a night-shirt and a__look interesting. Ida raises (Either that, or she’s spotted a mouse in the pair of mules. First step is her right hand to prevent us_ corner!) She hears its savage call and its to look as cute as she does. from peeking and glances rhythmic beat. Her heart sings a strange If you can do that... goon down to see how her legs are and happy song as it fills with the music of to lesson II. (Ed. Note: Go doing. (Ed. Note: From The Pillow Stomp. Arms outstretched and ahead, you hepster, you... where we sit, they’re doing hopping with jive, she lets the music send we dare you!) just fine.) her. (Ed. Note: We hope it sends her here!) Z-Z-Z-Z-LLZZ-ZZ vo seee ) Note: Good Night!!!) Order “Pillow Stomp” Mat Ne. 633-502-B, 75e, from Warner Bros’ Campaign Plan Editor, 321 W. 44th St... New York 18, N.Y. TIE IN WITH FILMS POPULAR MUSICAL NUMBER, ‘WHATCHA SAY? A catchy, groove-y number, "Whatcha Say?," played in lowdown Louis "Satchmo" Armstrong style, is featured in ''Pillow To Post." The tune is already on its way to juke box popularity, boosted by radio plugs by Kate Smith, Henry King, Freddie Martin, Roy Shields and many other top radio shows. Harms, Inc. have prepared this attractive new title sheet (illustrated, right) crediting "Pillow To Post'' and its stars. Get an early start and arrange additional radio plugs on local radio shows and window displays in music and radio stores. Be sure to credit your playdate. A STUNT-A-DAY THESE EASY WAYS: LOUIS ARMSTRONG Arrange for local music stores to feature the recorded works of Louis Armstrong in varied window displays. Utilize stills from your branch set and credit your playdate. Order additional Louis Armstrong stills Nos. 633-301, 633-302, 633-303, 633-502—l10c each, Set of 4, 40c— from Warner Bros.’ Still Editor, 321 W. 44th St., N. Y. 18, N.Y. CO-OP DISPLAYS Contact your local department stores and arrange for co-op window displays based on the following tie-ups. Use stills from your branch set. 1. Luggage (Still No. 633-17) 2. Blankets and Bed Clothes (Stills No. 633-522, 633-528, 633-537) 3. Women's Lingerie (Still No. 633-71) 4. Rainy Weather Attire (Still No. 633-337) Order additional display stills by number from Still Editor, 321 W. 44th St., N. VY. 18, N. Y. 10c¢ per still, set of 4—40e. STORY-IN-PIX The hilarious story of "Pillow To Post'' in a series of fourteen stills with captions, made available for an interesting newspaper layout. ORDER “Pillow”? Story-In-Pix. Set of 14 tor $1.40—from Warner Bros.” Still Editor, 321 W. 44th St... New York 18, New York.