Play Girl (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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Page SHE WANTED LOVE IN THE WORST WAY —and she got it! | His kisses lied when they promised her love. Arms meant to protect only crushed her heart. Hands meant to support only dragged her down — until THE SIN THAT WRECKED HER MARRIAGE SAVED HER BABY'S LIFE! SHE TRIED ANYTHING ONCE! with LORE Te Fy eun G NORMAN FOSTER GUY KIBBEE At Wes ¢ fice (Bir os.” apd Vitaphone Production OPENS THURSDAY oT RAND Cut No. 12 Cut 40c Mat 10c¢ SHE HAD TO TAKE THE WORST OF LIFE T0 GET THE BEST OF IT! She Tried Anything Once ! | With LORETTA YOUNG NORMAN FOSTER GUY KIBBEE A Warner Bros, and Vitaphone Hit NOW PLAYING STRAND Cut No. 8 Cut 20c¢ Mat 5e