Playing Around (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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a8 -& VITAPHONE You can use any illustration and almost every story in this entire press sheet for your silent showing with slight changes. SILENT singing three new song hits you'll soon be dancing to. Cul, SoG; CHESTER MORRIS and Great Cast Based on “Playing Around” by Frances Nordstrom. Adapted from Vina Delmar’s story “Sheba.” Directed by Mervyn Leroy. A FIRST NATIONAL PICTURE “Vitaphone is the registered trademark of the Vitaphone Corp. designating its products. GANGSTER AND SHEBA SEND UP THERMOMETER Alice White and Chester Morris Head Cast in “Playing Around.” (Advance Reader—Silent) When a ganster and a “Sheba” play around, what playing around it is! Trust Vina Delmar, who wrote “Bad Girl” and also the best-seller “Sheba” to know a “hot” situation and write it to its best advantage. The real temperature comes in its film version, however, a First National picture called ‘Playing Around,’ which comes to the ..... “Sheba” role the tempo and tem ‘perature of the picture go right up to the top of the thermometer and break off the bulb! Chester Morris as the gangster of the piece and William Bakewell as Miss White’s regular sweetheart have big roles, and Lionel Belmore, Maurice Black, Richard Carle and Marion (‘‘Peanuts”) Byron are also among those present. The plot is a tense one. Sheba attracts the attention of a dangerous gangster while she is at the Pirates’ Den Cafe with the boy she is engaged to. She wins a “most beautiful legs’ contest. The gangster fascinates her, and she promises to marry him, while her sweetheart is in great danger, naturally, through his attempts to save the girl. But all turns out well after a smashing climax. The picture is filled with colorful action throughout. Page Four -|of the cinema stage. Alice White, Red-Hot Star, Scores Another Flaming Hit As “‘Playing Chester Morris and William Bakewell Head Brilliant Supporting Cast. (Prepared Silent Review) Little red-hot Alice White is still burning her way to the very center She demonstrates that more clearly than ever in her latest First National starring vehicle, “Playing Around,” which is off to a successful local SHO WINE Al TNE es ek cite es Theatre. Alice has an exceptionally effective role, in “Playing Around.” That isn’t surprising, inasmuch as the story is based on Vina Delmar’s “Sheba.” Certainly the author of the sensational success, ‘Bad Girl,” spared no frankness in her second hit. Chester Morris and William Bakewell play important supporting roles in “Playing Around,” and Maurice Black, Marion (‘“Peanuts’’) Byron, Lionel Belmore and other favorites appear in well-selected characters. Bakewell and Morris turn in really stellar performances, and everyone does yeoman service in making the film one of the most Alic thrilling and entertaining of, the year. But Alice White is the outstanding personality, and overwhelmingly proves that she deserves her rating as a big star of the screen; withal a new variety of star and a simply amazing personality. As Sheba, she is a big-town stenographer who has a taste for expensive things and a sweetheart who cannot satisfy it. She becomes engaged to him, but when she wins a “beautiful legs’ contest in a cafe and through it meets a flashy gangster, she falls for the latter. Then the sweetheart has difficulty untangling her from her dangerous situation, against her own wishes and in the face of the gangster’s ominous’ disapproval. Simple in words—but wait until you see it! You'll forget your own troubles in watching Alice’s. ALICE WHITE'S LIFE RESEMBLES THAT OF SHEBA Heroine of “Playing Around” Sees Parallel. (Advance Reader—Silent) Alice White says she felt as though she had torn a page out of the book of her own life when she portrayed the role of Sheba, luxuryloving stenographer, in “Playing Around,” the First National picture COMING tO.tNes. qos a Theatre Before getting her break in the movies, Alice earned her living as a steno at $22 per week. Later, because she could use a typewriter and take dictation, she was given a job as script clerk in a film studio. The script clerk acts as secretary to a director while he is working on a picture, and takes care of his office details. It was while working in this job that she was “discovered,” was given a screen test, and made good. |: Like Sheba in the picture, it was her love for beautiful things, said the actress, that made her seek out the job of script clerk, which paid her more salary than stenography did. Later it was her desire to be beautifully gowned and to have the luxuries of life, more than the desire to be famous, that made her work hard in films until she reached the top. Chester Morris and William Bakewell are Miss White’s leading men in “Playing Around,” which is adapted from Vina Delmar’s story “Sheba.” Mervyn LeRoy directed. By Vina Delmar “Playing Around,” the First National picture coming to the. Theatre...... Bo Cpe et , with Alice White starred and Chester Morris featured, is an adaptation of Vina Actor Masters Soda Jerking For Film Role round’’ Heroine | In Three Star Attraction at Rexy Cut No. 17. Cut 40c. Mat 10c. e White again is seen in a talking, singing and dancing role at the Rexy this week. It is a First National and Vitaphone picture titled “Playing Around.” Chester Morris has an important villain role in it. ee mies <a 8 CL FIRST NATIONAL PICTURES Delmar’s story, “Sheba.” (Current Reader—Silent) A reputation for making the chocolate malts in Hollywood clung to William Bakewell, popular film juvenile, since completing his role opposite Alice White in “Playing Around,” now at the .......... Theatre. Bakewell plays a soda-jerker in this First National picture, and to get the realistic flourishes necessary to the part he worked a week at the soda fountain of a Hollywood drug store. There he learned how to mix all the drinks from a simple “coke” to a razzberry milk shake with an egg. The young actor did so well in making the drinks for scenes in the picture that now his friends often take him along with them to the drug store, where he gets back of the counter and shows the soda-jerker a few new tricks. concoctions were especially linw~ by Alice White, who with Chester Morris, is featured in the drama. “Playing Around” is from the story, “Sheba,’ by Vina Delmar. Mervyn LeRoy directed. It is the story of a girl whose love for luxuries throws her in contact with gangland. Chester Morris and Alice White in “Playing Around.” BANG GOES THE PEP RECORD ... Peppier than ever! Adorable Alice playing around in night clubs. Singing snappy mel odies. Dancing faricy steps with a classy chorus of beauties. Loving for all she’s worth—and she’s worth a million in Vitaphone entertainment. Cut No. 8 Cut, $1.00 Mat, 20ce. 2s ALICE WHIT SS — CHESTER MORRIS and Great Cast Directed by MERVYN LEROY Based on “Playing Around” by Frances Nordstrom Adapted from Vina Delmar’s story “Sheba” THREE GREAT THEME SONGS “The Lowdown on the Lowdown” “You’re My Captain Kidd” “You Hear About Love Every Day” “Vitaphone” is the registered trade mark of the Vitaphone Corp. designating its products A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE PICTURE