Playing Around (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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7: _ A PAGEFUL OF NOVEL EXPLOITATION IDEAS, — err ae, — TIE-UPS, NEWSPAPER CONTESTS, BALLYHOOS! Beautiful Counter Card Above is a reduced facsimile of the attention arresting counter card available to cooperating Stein dealers and exhibitors. Take advantage of this FREE accessory. Stein’s Makeup Tieup A big National Tieup arrangement has been effected between _ First National Pictures and Stein’s Makeup, featuring Alice White. Ads playing up Alice White as an advocate of the famous Stein product have and are appearing with regularity in National magazines and newspapers throughout the country. The tieup is absolutely established in the minds of the public and by taking advantage locally of this wonderful exploitation feature when you play an Alice White picture, particularly “Playing Around,’ you have a made-to-order box-office asset. All Stein dealers have been advised of this tieup arrangement and stand ready to cooperate with you at all times. Spe cial window and counter ‘accessories with cutout head of Alice White are available and every drug store in your city is a tieup prospect. The minute your playdate is set, communicate with MR. CHAS. DONALD FOX, PECK ADVERTISING AGENCY, INC., 271 MADISON AVE., NEW YORK CITY, and they will start the ball rolling by sending you a list of Stein dealers in your territory. Get in touch with these dealers themselves and see that a supply of Alice White accessories are forthcoming and in many cases supplement this cooperation with a newspaper campaign. Don’t let this wonderful exploitation unit get away from you. This is a real National tieup and inaugurated for your benefit. Stein Makeup | Window Stunt Here is a corking stunt that you can put over in connection with the big National Stein Makeup tieup with Alice White. Select one to three of your leading drug stores who are lending their cooperation ~~ this exploitation feature and ar range for this special window demonstration feature. The only cost to the exhibitor is the salary of models. Arrange to furnish the dealer with two girls to demonstrate Alice White’s art of screen makeup, using the Stein product exclusively. These girls can double two or more stores by holding these demonstra Page Six tion at certain advertised hours at each store. This is a great boost for Stein’s Makeup, a wonderful attention arrester for the stores that cooperate, attracting thousands of passersby, and a sure-fire box-office stunt. Tieup material should be very much in evidence in addition to an exclusive display of Stein product. Cutouts, mounted stills, special window strips, etc., should be. employed. In selecting your demonstrators, employ adepts in the art of makeup and the most attractive girls you can possibly get. A bally in connection with this stunt can be handled, In driving the girls form one store to another, the “ride-about’” idea should be used, by having the girls fully made up, driven about in a classy limousine and the same bannered and announcing the stunt, where it takes place and the hours. This stunt will block traffic if properly handled. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT. Helbros Watch Tieup We have called attention many times to the big national tieup with Helbros Watch Company. They have: made up a beautiful ALICE WHITE MODEL wrist-watch that is in great demand from coast to coast. There is a Helbros dealer in practically every town and you have an opportunity to put over a corking exploitation feature in connection with this tieup. Write to Mr. Samuel J. Baril, Helbros Watch Company, 48 West 48th Street, New York, and he will put you in touch with their dealer in your territory. Full campaign material will also be mailed you and a proposition outlined whereby you can cash in on a live wire co-operative stunt. Trailer There is an exceptionally powerful all-talking, and singing trailer on “Playing Around” at your local Vitaphone exchange. Get it now and show it until your play date. In this unusual trailer Alice White sells herself as never before. First National’s all-talking impressive advertising assets are at your command. Leg Contest In “Playing Around” a night club “leg contest” is one of the important sequences, in which Alice White as “Sheba Miller” wins the prize loving cup. You can emulate this photoplay incident through the conducting of a similar contest upon the stage of your theatre. Play it up in your newspapers with photos of entries and tying it in with the episode in which Alice White figures. Offer as a prize a loving cup ostensibly the donation of Miss White, and from your merchants you should be able to secure the donation of suitable merchandise for lesser prizes. This means a tieup window display in each instance and possibly the promotion of a single or double truck in your newspaper comprising the ads and contest interest of the cooperating dealers. Enlist the services of some prominent beauty specialist, physical culture expert and physician as judges. Run this contest either the week previous to photoplay engagement or early in your “Playing Around” run. Poster Cut-Outs Poster cut-outs are always one of your most effective mediums of lobby display and window trim, With “Playing Around” this is especially true as the posters on this picture lend themselves admirably for this purpose and are unusually beautiful, colorful and attention arresting. Those depicting Alice White in distinctive poses are doubly effective. Neatly executed cut-outs besides supplying your lobby, marquee and entrance with exceptional attractiveness, gain entree to situations where tieup window display material is usually barred. A glance at the last page and you can visualizethe possibilities of poster cut-outs in this instance. Newspaper Contest Here is an opportunity to start a discussion in the columns of your newspaper that is of everyday interest and a topic that is uppermost in the minds of people in all walks of life. Offer prizes of theatre tickets for the best answer in the query— “PLAYING AROUND” What Implication Do Journal Readers Give To This Expression? We hear it repeated every day: she or he can not be depended upon, always “Playing Around.” At other times we hear people say, “Nobody | she is just | takes her seriously, ‘Playing Around’.” Another can be quoted as saying: “He won’t get himself in trouble, he’s just ‘Playing Around.’” Some -pass on the disposition of the younger element |, to “play around” as a natural in clination that will not be denied. |. Others look upon the person that “plays around” as frivolous, beyond the pale of discreet society and often beyond redemption. To you as a reader of the Journal, just what does the term “Playing Around” imply? Do you consider that you “play around” and find it merely harmless diversion?. Or would you resent having the expression applied to you, and take for granted that it amounted to a slur or even an insult? Write the Contest Editor of the Journal your candid opinion and interpretation of ‘Playing Around” in not over one hundred words and each day during period of contest which ends , we will award a pair of free tickets to the Strand to witness Alice White in her peppy,. singing, dancing and talking picture “Playing Around,” for the five best letters received on the subject, Let’s settle this question once and for all. Write in your verdict NOW. SPECIAL NOVELTY Reproduced here in miniature is a fac-simile of an absorbing puzzle, designed especially as an exploitation medium for the picture ‘Playing Around.” Upon the reverse side of this puzzle is printed full instruc: aions for playing the game. The solution is intricate enough, so that you can feasibly offer prizes of theatre tickets for the first twenty or so correct answers. Printed solutions are forwarded to exhibitors with each order. These puzzle games can be distributed in the theatre or mailed intensively. In any instance you can look for a gratifying response. Exhibitors order these direct from D. D. SILBERER, 571 LA'WRENCE AVE., NEW YORK, N. Y. The First National Exchanges do not handle this accessory. The cost is only 1000 lot, $16.50 per M.; 2500 lots, $15.00 per M; 5000 lots, $14.00 per M; 10,000 lots, $12.00 per M. NOTE:—In no instance order this novelty from First National * changes. They do not carry same in their stock, but by ordering direct f. manufacturer to address given above you are assured of prompt service. 3 STEIN’S | MAKEUP is the most befitting prize you can possibly offer for any CONTEST in connection with any ALICE WHITF production ~ STEIN’S MAKEUP as prizes proves Economical Hightly Desirable and Reliable Above is a reproduction of the II «x 14 display insert which to gether with frame is supplied to Helbros dealers. Cut No. 14. Cut 65c. Mat 15e.