Polo Joe (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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“POLO JOE”’ EXPLOITATION COLORING & LIMERICK TESTS (First Day) Your Coloring Ability May Win Valuable Prize Here’s your chance, boys and girls, to win two guest tickets to (acetates oe Theatre to see Joe E. Brown in his funniest picture, “Polo Joe,” which opens there on__._.---------hetiinied All you have to do is to color the above sketch of Joe E. as he appears in the film and send it to the “Polo Joe” Contest Editor of the tienda oatecet Mia eid o iealernae SH (PEWSDANET) “DETORE 22 oe caer coat There will be ten prizes, each consisting of two tickets which will go to the ten boys or girls who submit the best art work. Mat No. 212—20c (Second Day) Here’s Another Chance To Win Tickets To Strand Te See ‘Polo Joe’ Get out your crayons or water colors, Joe E. Brown fans, and see how good a job you can make of coloring this sketch of Joe E. as he appears as the hero of “Polo Joe,” which will open at the Css Ste a Theatre on_...____....____.._________.. Send in your work to the “Polo Joe” Contest Editor of the. (newspaper) SESE RL Pasir ketene AUG § and if you are among the ten submitting the best coloring work, yowll win two guest tickets. “Polo Joe” is Joe E.’s latest and funniest picture and you won’t want to miss it. Mat No. 213—20c before Write a Limerick And Win Tickets Three cheers for good old Joey Brown Who is a howl from toes to crown; When he widens his jowls And lets out his yowls Can you write a good limerick? If you can there are two guest tickets'to <they:. 02.7.5. Theatre waiting for you at the......... (newspaper) office. Joe E. Brown, the tunnel mouthed comedian is coming to DNOY 65 eet Lheatre Ota... in “Polo Joe,” which is said to be the funniest picture he has ever made, and here’s your chance to see the film as guest of this newspaper. All you need do is think up the funniest last lines for limericks and send them to the “Polo Joe” Contest Editor of the...... Theatre before.......... Every. day the writers of the five funniest lines will each receive two tickets? to: the. * +A" Theatre. Remember, the line must not only be funny but must make sense. Now get started. Try this one but remember another opportunity comes tomorrow and the day after. MORE LIMERICKS Here’s a health to Ma Brown’s boy—Joe EF He’s as good as a circus to me; When I’m grouchy and blue, Here’s the one thing I do Joe E. Brown is a sight for sore eyes— A cure for all grumpiness lies In his yip-yip-ye-ow-ing, His grinning and mowing— CROSS WORD PUZZLE PLUGS THE FILM You can see at a glance what a boost this puzzle will give show when it appears in paper or special herald. And fans will like it because it’s not too hard and not too easy. The puzzle and the solution are available on one mat. Order Mat No. 214—20c. DOWN Te akight producer’ ™ .<. LAMP 2. Bodies of water..OCEANS 3. Overalls of homespun JEANS OG. . Rnodey Island: yo. ne RI Vas PartOf a circles, -7.2ARC 10: Bary sms ai. Bon ere eee RAGE 13. OCRiver-an italy... or pas PO PY STG A bem uilts Mela oder AIL 16. To extend hand to get REACH 5 Do diphamto. 3. eee SOP 18. One of Great Lakes. . ERIE 19) arse: bin =, eee VAT 20; Halt anvem:.22 Aen EN 21. Losattach: hase TIE 23. -Mawalan: foods tas POI 24. Odd or bizarre..... ANTIC i who ppry 2 into. a5. SNOOP BOUL) Word: 20 assent. . wk. as YES 32. Lo. propel a boat.....: ROW 34. To impede flow of water DAM 35.) Until shortened]. eja0TIL 40. Language of the Tai peoler ty cre a bane TAI AV OUN ES US. ceca as SHOTE Abela Galloy 7b. oe toh sae ees TROT 48. Comparative ending ....ER D0saGreek: letter. =. ue mans ETA 51. Abbreviation of Arthur ART 53. Male descendant ..... SON ee West NOL WiChies. che... sae: EN Ome MOT NOrS ©... <M. cee ae ree MA SSN abemMan.: 2. Soak oe HE ACROSS AP OME SDOty 6s ss. hacia el cee ACE Gee Di oiler aa SMEAR Sa vErenzy. of, fear. . 1.2 PANIC OW ATITOR Us. inc. s ok, ee RR US INOVE (OCObla. §..2 hi wera NS 12. Head coverings ..... CAPS 145 Ancient Rome ..., 2205: AR MD Claw baiel plains 22 54k ss So GO LG) USpanish: for ‘river. /..... RIO i ey ahora! NC dy 023] cea gre SEVER 2h tevelaten sens cttw TELL 22. Mohammedan sacred book KORAN O35. Mathoraene 2: et Aca een PA 25. By “Way OL ies ee ee VIA 26: «Plural ending a ¥ 2 ~. ES 28, Hole-im: ground 3°32... Teal 4b: BOLE EOlO. animal 25.4. Gis PONY cule Umbleached =". ..% 5.2054 ECRU Doe STIS ken” Pee ere eee Ce END 36. Separate news incident ITHM Sy faoeig] GAIT s a. a eat ea coll escheat HOG Bio yrmto) ay omens fo Mew PSP 2 ne BOAT BOM MUM ALEC? ses gets has LET Ae Part oOtCO .WO.<.cee sai Is 43-= Wiest, ElantLondis oo icke: WH GLE NEV OSY. MAM. 22h) keh ROM 46. Pertaining to laymen.LAIC 47. That woman 49, Opera abbreviated 50. Long period of time... ERA 52, Neuter pronoun .... 4. IT Doi (COARtR a. akan SHORES Dosw HReMPOSba acy hatte STORM TMC ONL) pete el aos ee SHOUT 59. Attar of roses..... ATTAR OO ee OME FOI bO\. cab es ENTER e THE SOLUTION O|E R 1}¢ A “A(R 1|0 LiL H U Q|G W\i E s N