Possessed (Warner Bros.) (1947)

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oe ari nn: ANNOUNCEMENTS =o [22 FOR YOUR AIR CAMPAIGN sax mony we ON THIS PICTURE One 45-second Spot Announcement and one 10-second Station Break, each allowing time for live announcement of theatre and date. (20TH ON OWE RECORD) Write to your local WARNER EXCHANGE FREE// A 5-Minute transcription of a Holly Rave Reviews for Your Lobby Here’s What N. Y. Critics Say About “POSSESSED” “Lights its way through the dark corners of the heart via the torch Joan Crawford lugs for Van Heflin.” — Walter Winchell “One of the best . . . Merits top rank among the year’s best.” — N. Y. Mirror “Crawford at her best!’’— N. Y. Herald-Tribune "lt was wonderful!’’— PM “Fascinating!’’— N. Y. Times wood Interview with Joan “Highly effective melodrama. One of Miss Crawford’s most distinguished performances.” — N.Y. Sun Crawford, containing “Crawford's performance is certainly one of her best.’’— N. Y. Post many plugs for ‘Possessed. “Through every reel, ‘Possessed’ is slick and polished.”— N. Y. World-Telegram WRITE TO: Warner Bros.’ Campaign Plan Editor 321 West 44th Street New York 18,N. Y. “Tops in Town.” — Dorothy Kilgallen (N. Y. JournalAmerican ) WATCH FOR “POSSESSED” AT THIS THEATRE SOON fe abe eget Your ae raat be aa BLOW UP direct from pressbook for frame in lobby or out panie y name oT radio starion an procoe e e@ ® sranivon wuieieehankecnstelpiiiany Wir ie Usb: front; individual quotes may also be slugged in at bottom of ads, or used for direct-mail promotion.