Private Detective 62 (Warner Bros.) (1933)

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ADVANCE F BIOCRAPHIES WILLIAM POWELL important ay ant Law,” seme Valuatle wa of ; whieh furnished him wit} experien ce and means of livelihood for two years. He has starred jn gut as “The Road “High Pressure,” ‘ “One standing successes to Bingapore,” “Jewe! Robbery. : “Law Way and his ver Man” Passage,” latest piety 69 re ate Detective MARGARET LINDSAY Margaret L ndsay, w ho has the adding feminine role opposite Willian Powell jn “Private De r« ” -_ ~ " lective 62,” was born in Du buque, Jowa, her reg) name being Margaret Kies. She was educated in the Nationa] Park Seminary in Washing. -..) £ 1 in tor j onal of Dramatie at Academ y art. She began with smal] parts on the an d stage MARGARET LINDSAY worked up to leading Cut No. 22 roles, play Cut 15e Mat 5c ing also in Stock a4 nd repertoire, Wer biggest stage hit was in “Death Takes a Holjday.” tures and made 4 cess in her role in Other pictures jn which she has appeared include “Baby Face,” “All American,” “Okay America,” “Onee Jn 4 Lifetime,” “The Fourth Horseman” and “West of Singapore.” Recently she entered pic striking suc “Cavalcade.” After finishing “Private De tective 62” she Was cast in twy other National] with George Warner Bros.-Firss Pietures, “Voltaire” Arliss and “¢ Les! banks, Jr, ‘aptured,” 1e¢ Howard featuring 4nd Douglas Fair CORDON WESTCOTT Gordon Westeott, Was horn in St, George, Utah, the 80n of & Minister, 4 profession he him self Prepared for 4 the Univer sity of Utah. He became in|, terested jn the theatre through | Written having 4 Which was produced Com pany, Melodrama by a stock he organ company and parts whieh led Productions of note ally to the sCreen, Some of his recent were “The “Lilly Turner,” Kventuag! ly 17¢d his ow Block acter n Played ehuy to roadway and ey entu 4p pearances Adopted Father,” “Merrily We Go to Hell,” “Guilty ay Hell,” “jYer;. taye of the Desert” and “ff{e Learned About Women.” in Page Four (Advance Feature) ee Margaret Lindsay Exposed As American by Winchell lowa Born Girl First Attracted Attention by Scoring Big Hit as Britisher in “Cavaleade”” N ARGARET LINDSAY proved that she M fore she was eyer called on to take a screen test. knows, who played Was an actress he he is the gir]. 4s of course everyone ~ t important role on the Titanic jin ‘‘( avaleade,”’ and who wil] De Keer laving Opposite William Powel] at the , a) 109 i012 i st" ; 7 a ‘ Theatre oy In his latest Warner bros. pro‘Tor Private Detective 62. one Is also the girl. as everyone may not know, who was relerred to in a rather caustic comment by Walter W inchel], | } + = 7stistnnensnsteeeinns — ES —" " , + hen 1@ spoke of : ed ¢ J . whey x v) skated on the river and popped corn a “ a oi gt east of Cay Za 4 ‘| — J : Vy s aaiaaal E before the Kies fireplace. cade” who was not much more Enon ; : ‘ Tis cartes. = It had been quite a lark before o } he her home town of Ju. p 2 . : Se this — being taken for a bona fide en English actress. But now it looked And there I 48 1 she were about to be a suerious and re Fess in pictures aA Very hig success ; nd it was apparent that the de M: ryaret I ndsz VY was Dorn Mar. a id at > apy garet Kies of Dutyue. She received Ception couldn’t go on. “s . : She admitte the Wineh elj her early education at De Sales Tres — * 2 , ; « ‘haraccae Wire + > aner ider Heights Academy there graduating Charges, wired the paper her iden leude Wer achact vears were | tity, and went on into “Private De f iT. i4uq oe me tit ‘al -, yet * . tecetive 69 99 4 decided fondnenss for | ‘ective 62, an even greater success as an Amer. than she had achieved sh both After her n ? al8s90 arti ee ee acting and dancing. ican actress 48 an Engl She’s not sorry for course at National Park Seminary j whieh honors, she | . . one Washington, from she —_ :; . . . the dere t10n,. graduated with highest } E hongh ¢ she lieve —.wht entered the Academy of Dramatic | though, for she believes and who : petee : = aie Sand ight f—<+hast sha Arts in New York City. From there | 5441! say she jen’: righ hat she went to London, where she econ-| €ver would have been taken for and took minor| those first big roles if she hadn’t an AUK INNING? | tin ued bh eT education roles in se vera] stage productions. | broadened her “a's” and softened : ; Some of her “p's » She returned to New York with, | Thars’s nothing timid OF evasive among other things, an English ac| about this hazel-eved. brown-haired cent. young American Zirl. She looks hard And that’s what got her into troy-| at the world about her and gives it hle and brought her Success, back Stare for Stare, And Hollywood, as it does everyone who is not afraid of it, who sees through its grease paint to the com. For she was introduced to a prom inent young Holly wood producer as the “English” Miss Lindsay. The : a roy Vee } +} hae ° mon human vyalyes beneath, has | producer signed her under contract. . — : ; | ei 2 taken her ¢, its heart. used her in hits In several pictures. : ¥ : ; . } ; } Director Michae Curtiz, who di and finally so d her contracts to the] 2s igo : z aay 3 lreeted Tivate Jetective G9 any producers of «¢ avaleade.” whe were 1 “Private I : 9 ge ° aie ome marized it syee} ctly in; few worr getting together an Eng th east | iaTizeqd su Ineth na vi rds for that picture. one day on the set of the picture, F : “She is the most promising young The rest jg history. : ¢ actress I have seen in the past ten Margaret Lindsay was a big hit years,” he said. in the pietures—so big, in faet, that Miss Lindsay Plays the role of a he war; ediately «: od # b ge it : se Was inmedig ely Signed for the m woman jin “Private Detee VStery Wilt Pow leading role ell. opposite tive §2,”? the agencies by Raou by Rian James. Others in the « which is an exciting story of of shady detective | Whitfield adapted activities But being a hit sponsibilities gram from a Dubuque if she were not the same little Mar-| Byron, Ruth Donnelly, Gordon WestRaret Kies with whom most of the cott, Sheila Terry, r townsfolk had played snowballs and | alie Moorhead and James Bell. brought its reand with them a tele. paper asking ast include Arthur ¥ charming a8 “Private Detective 62” and it’s highly LLIAM Po in this exciting film, Cut 30¢ WELL Mat 10¢ | sessed Powell. | know the fi | ors, expecting | Arthur Hohl, Nat. he did. EATURES follows her success in new screen find cade” with another stirring performance, in the nex William MARGARET LINDS4 Y, picture, “Prirate Detectire 62.” This youthful Player is big things. Cut Na 9 Cut 30° Mar 19¢ (Advance Feature) Bill Powell Has Given Up All Thoughts o f Retiring By FRANK DAT‘¢ tHERTY destined fy of his popularity, doesn’t want to Career, at the crest William Powell has discovered that he retire, ever. . T the height of hj The statement jis more startling than appears on its surface, He has worked al] his life with the thought of retiring. Retiring to play. More. probably, than any other actor in Hollywood, the thought of a life of ease and play after years of work has ob Se “Retire? I'm not going to retire.” And now he doesn’t want to re tire. “Last summer I went to Europe. I went to play. I'd always wanted to play. And I thought I knew something about how it is done. I’m supposed (with a depseciating smile) to be a player. But I found that I didn’t know how. I didn’t know the , first thing about it. There were literally thousands of people over there who knew a thousand times better how to do it, than I did. “They played as a matter of course. I played hard, but as a matter of play. They played gracefully, untiringly. They made an art of it. He doesn’t want to play. He has discovered that he doesn’t rst thing about playing. He had always prided himself that He was long one of Hollywood’s gayest bachelors. Then came Carole Lombard. But she didn’t put a damper on him. Both are familiar figures in Hollywood's night life. But that, of course, means by play, isn’t what he He means play as a profession, jay as an object and en, in life : iteelt. Play i its nt = An { don’t mean rid i rich ae without work of any kind. Just play. au of them prelate rs and < alike. Maybe their grandfathers And about that sort of play, he mothers had been playing like that has found, he doesn’t know 8nyI tor centuries. The environment thing. He's literally a duffer at it. seemed designed for it. aS much one after. dressing room on a Set, where he was en He confessed noon, in his Warner Bros. ieeoueees Forgot How to Play Zaged in making his latest picture, “Private Detective 62,” which opens “But at the end of a month I was at the Theatre on bored. At the end of two months I He was having tea, when he was | was fighting to keep from ayer asked, “when are you going to retire | to Hollywood. And at the end o from the Screen?” three months, I wouldn’t have traded, “Thank heaven yoy didn’t ask] my job for the easerenen:a8 re me,” he said, “what next year’s] fide, absolute nt eee Fy styles are going to be. Vou “don’t wanted to, I could have the next te ) / know what a relief that is,” he said.| Years off to play in.” “Would you mind telling “It’s a habit we why?” Not Bill Powell. get into, we act. ee But he ecouldn’t have been joking. Tt didn’t seem possible. | 4 question like that. | | yr : : : e’s | We hear we’re Zong to he inter. He's really not going to retire. H viewed. So we prepare ourselves, going to work on and on. P figuratively, for the momentous oePowell’s latest picture is one 0 casion by st whirling mud the moment, life, “And then,” he said, ask wh anding on this ball of and contemplating, for the serious things of thrilling adventure and unusual = mance. The sereen play by Rian James is based on an original story by Raoul Whitfield. There Se strong supporting cast including “they always Margaret Lindsay, Arthur Byron, at next year’s Styles are go ing to be. Why not next year’s| Ruth Donelly, Gordon bho politics? Or next years’s anything | Sheila Terry, Arthur Hohl, Na n3 else? Why always next "year’s Moorhead and James Bell. The i styles?” : ture was directed by Michael Curtiz. ees gsc