Public Wedding (Warner Bros.) (1937)

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PAGE 5—‘‘PUBLIC WEDDING”—ADVERTISING LOONEY LOVERS! 2\. NUTTY NUPTUALS! Ya WACKY WEDDING! ED A BIG WEDDING gut. WAN ALE'S go oSi with JANE WYMAN WILLIAM HOPPER DICK PURCELL p> MARIE WILSON OO Directed by Nick Grinde A Warner Bros. Picture JANE WYMAN-WILLIAM HOPPER: DICK PURCELL: MARIE WILSON Directed by Nick Grinde-A Warner Bros. Picture 56 lines—Mat No. 207—20c 68 lines—Mat No. 206—20c ORTH TWO IN THE WHALE LOVE ME...LOVE MY WHALE! with ee JANE WYMAN WILLIAM HOPPER’ DICK PURCELL MARIE WILSON Directed by Nick Grinde * AWarner Bros. Picture with JANE WYMAN + WILLIAM HOPPER 18 lines—Mat No. 109—10c DICK PURCELL MARIE WILSON Directed by Nick Grinde * A Warner Bros. Picture 34 lines—Mat No. 110—10c ROUND OUT YOUR SHOW WITH VITAPHONE SHORTS “SOUND DEFECTS” (Broadway Brevities) Irene Delroy, popular star of stage and screen, and Rufe Davis, outstanding hill-billy comedian, co-star in a sprightly musical. (20 minutes—No. 2030) “THIRST AID” (Broadway Brevities) Another Joe Palooka knock out with Robert Norton, Beverly Phalon and Johnnie Berkes. (20 minutes—No. 2032) “ELISEO GRENET AND ORCH”’ (Melody Masters) That rhumbarhythm-maker plays those torrid latin tunes which have made him internationally famous. (10 minutes—No. 2516) “LAND OF MAGYAR” (Color-Tour Adventures) A thrilling journey to the far-off land of the Magyars as narrated by Basil Ruysdael. (10 minutes—No, 2312) “PICTORIAL REVIEW NO. 10” (Vitaphone Pictorial Revues) Dancing on the water; preparing meals for 5,000 people; raising rabbits; manufacture of Morocco leather. (11 minutes—No., 2410) “UNCLE TOM’S BUNGALOW” (Merrie Melodies, Tech.) A load of laughs in an ingenious burlesque of Uncle Tom’s famous Cabin! (7 minutes—No. 2211)