Purchase Price (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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' For Your Information— “The Purchase Price” Gives You the Sales Angles of a Great Box Office Champion You have BARBARA STANWYCK—a REAL STAR with a tremendous following. O. O. Mcintyre, famous columnist said, ‘Next to... Barbara Stanwyck is the most talked of actress on the screen today.” HER ROLE is just the kind the public loves to see her play. She is back again as the young, vibrant, entrancing charmer that drew big business in “Illicit,” and “Night Nurse.” Her role of a red hot night club singer with a past, who is so tempting that three different types of men fall madly in love with her, affords the opportunity of setting up her tantalizing beauty, allurement and ticket-selling S. A. A GREAT BOX OFFICE STORY The story has BARBARA STANWYCK buy a husband, sight unseen, from another woman in an effort to get away. from the life she has. been living. This situation is ori ginal, intriguing and fired with box office lure. You Have GEORGE BRENT—The Screen’s latest rage! His great work opposite BARBARA STANWYCK in ‘“‘So and his unqualified success as Ruth Chatterton’s Big,” leading man in, “The Rich Are Always With Us,’’ have given him the fastest build-up on record. He’s the idol of the women fans! IT WILL PAY YOU TO GIVE HIM PROMINENT BILLING eat~ LORY. Joan Gordon, an entertainer at a New York night club, sickens of the life, and tells Ed Fields, the proprietor, whose ‘‘girl’’ she is, that she is through with him. She has made up her mind to marry Don Leslie, a weathy young man who has told her he wants to take her out of the night club life. Leslie’s father finds out about Joan, however, so the youth gives her up when threatened with disinJoan, her dreams shattered, flees to Montreal, where she gets a job in a night club. Fields traces her, heritance. and she is very much frightened. That evening the hotel maid, Emily, tells Joan she is leaving for the West to marry a man through an arrangement with a matrimonial agency. Joan finds that Emily, who is far from sent Joan’s She decides to marry the man herself and buys Emily off. She meets the man, Jim Gilson, at a way station, where they attractive, has picture to the farmer. are married by a Justice of the Peace. At first the man is repulsive to her, and she is very much frightened. Gilson tries to kiss her and in a sudden reaction, Joan strikes him across the face. He is angry and fe PRODUCTION STAFF takes his things to another building to spend the night. From this time on he tolerates her, but apparently hates her. They live their own lives separately. Fields has had trouble in New York, has cashed in and is fleeing for Paris. He has kept trace of Joan and comes to persuade her to go with him. He arrives on a terrible winter night, and Gilson, although he sees that the man means something to Joan, cannot turn him out. Joan confesses that he was once her lover, but says it is all over and that she loves only her husband. Gilson sneers at this. One night, late in the summer, Bull McDowell and Spike Forgan, rivals, look over Gilson’s fields and see that he has the finest crop of wheat in the country. Spike and Bull sneak into the fields that night and set fire to the grain. Joan wakes ,up when she sees a She is horrified to see the grain being swept away. She arouses her husband and together they go out and fight the fire. At last they get it under control, saving the greater part of the Joan falls exhausted at her flame in the sky. wheat. husband’s feet. and knows at last that he loves her. He picks her up Based on the Saturday Evening Post story, echo: Wad bark by = ereellay DY. co ae Directed by........... Se ieee ee Photwoeranty Dyno. cics cee: ATE SPOOR a ae es ee Se ee Arthur Stringer Se -.Robert Lord ea Sid Hickox SS Jack Okey 68 minutes 6262 feet ~y BARBARA STANWYCK as the girl who got more than she bargained for, n “The Purchase Price,” the new Warner hit at the Strand. Mat 10c Cut No.1 Cut 30c THEY RE IN IT Joan Gordon, dance hall girl.................... BARBARA STANWYCK Jin: Golson, her Wauspand 8 ee GroRGE BRENT Ed Fields, dance hall proprietor, Joan’s former WHERE YOU SAW THEM BARBARA STANWYCK— ‘‘Tiadies of Leisure,’’ ‘‘Forbidden,’’ “THlieit,’? ‘Night Nurse,’’ ‘‘So Big,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.’’ GEORGE BRENT—‘‘So Big,’’ ‘‘The Rich Are Always With Us,”’ ‘Miss Pinkerton,’’ ‘‘Week-End Marriage,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.’’ LYLE TALBOT—‘‘Big City Blues,’’ ‘‘Love Is A Racket,’’ ‘‘New York Town,” ‘‘Without Consent,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.”’ HARDIE ALBRIGHT—‘‘A Successful Calamity,’’ ‘‘So Big,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.’’ DAVID LANDAU —‘‘Street Scene,’’ ‘‘Union Depot,’’ Tough To Be Famous,’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.”’ wes Bae OFFICIAL BILLING Warner Bros. Pictures, Ine. with J oan Logs ee ee ae ee ee Davip LANDAU Spike Forgan, aide to Bull McDowell.................... Murray KINNELL ~ Bimily, @ hotel mmids 2 cn oe in oe Lema BENNETT Waco, Ed Fields’ bodyguard... eee Mart McHueu Justice of the Peace, who marries Joan and Jim..CLARENCE WILSON Ea a a ee LucILLE WARD Peters. o (end Of Ji 8 ee CRAUFORD KENT Aarimer's dauthiet <5 ee ae Dawn O’Day Clyde, a half-wit who works for the Justice of Peace. Victor PoTEeL Mrs. Tipton, one of the Wwwes........0000cee ADELE WATSON Oe ee SnNuB POLLARD & The Vitaphone Corp. 5% present BARBARA STANWYCK 100% in “THE PURCHASE PRICE”’ 75%: Based on the story ‘‘The Mud Lark’’ By Arthur Stringer 20% with George Brent 90% Lyle Talbot 10% Directed by William A. Wellman 20% A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Picture 40%