Purchase Price (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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TWO DAYS BEFORE OPENING 3 ee bcos FOR A 4 DAY CAMPAIGN Here is a slashing four-day cumulative adver be ER S U od e EM E TR i U M P oe ! tising campaign that sells Barbara Stanwyck in the type of role the public likes to see her play. The ads get across the idea of Barbara Stanwyck as the young, vibrant, alluring star that means so much to the box office. Run them in the order indicated for best results. DAY BEFORE OPENING If she thrilled you in “Night Nurse” and “lIllicit’’ wait until you see Barbara Stanwyck FLAME through this torrid romance of a night club torch singer. Beautiful! . . . seductive! ... She has everything — and uses it! . . . Lives violently—and loves passionately! It’s the scorching story ten million fans demanded for the screen’s most vibrant star. . —— fe a= : y , 5 Daw JIANWICXK =“: ESS “7d. PURCHASE PRICE’ oe ‘ant « GEORGE BRENT The sensational new find of “The Rich Are Always With Us’ and ‘So Big.” and LYLE TALBOT — HARDIE ALBRIGHT A WARNER BROS. HIT! STARTS FRIDAY Cut No.9 Cut40c Mati10c It’s a WARNER. BROS. Hit! With STARTS ° ardie right. TOMORROW nage wae LAST DAY! Out No. 24 Out40c Mati10c Cut No.28 OQOut20c Mat 5c BARBARA STANWYCK Short Biography Sutable for Lobby Blow Up Born Ruby Stevens in Brooklyn, New York, July, 1907, of Scotch-Irish parentage, and was educated in the Brooklyn schools. Left an orphan at an early age, she planned first to become a dancer, and then a missionary to the heathen Chinese. Got her first job in the chorus of a revue BARBARA TANWYCK(/ PURCHASE PRICE“ it eO. BRENT ) TROY’S DRAMATIC HIT! ORPHEU Cut No.29 Cut40c Mati10c on the Strand Roof in New York. Attracted immediate attention and was given a good part in the successful play, ‘‘Burlesque,’’ from which she graduated to leading stage roles in New York. Married Frank Fay, Cut No.6 actor, and came to Hollywood to make her Cut 15¢ Mat 5c only unsuccessful picture, ‘‘The Locked Door.’’ Followed it with most astounding list of hit pictures ever achieved in such a short space of time by a single ac tress: “‘Ladies of Leisure,’’ ‘‘Illicit,’’ ‘‘Night Nurse,’’ ‘‘So Big,’’ ‘‘The Purchase Price.’’ LAST TIMES TODAY Page Six