Purchase Price (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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SHE TOOK ANOTHER WOMAN’S PLACE ON HER WEDDING NIGHTAnd Got Away With It! Learn the brutal truth about love and marriage from a girl who actually experimented with both! It took a million dollars’ worth of nerve to face a fiance who didn’t know that she had bought him! She laid cash on the line for love she hoped to get — and fled from the millions she was offered for her own love! wit! Warner Bros.’ brilliant new hit from the sensational Sat. Eve. Post serial by Arthur Stringer. With Lyle Talbot, Hardie Albright. STARTS TODAY! STRAND Cut No.8 Out40c Mat 10c GET ABOARD THE GEORGE BRENT BAND WAGON! George Brent is riding the crest of the fastest rising wave of popularity that has ever swept a movie player into the hearts of the fans. He is the sensation of the day, the idol of all the ladies. IT WILL PAY YOU TO SPREAD YOURSELF IN BILLING GEORGE BRENT. ~ Not only will you cash in now, but you will be ——— wat MUCH. caw ays Oturws Brent pictures. —————————— SS NNNSNSNNSNNSSNESINOS, y Barbara Stanwyck td portray so daring ate — only Warner i108. could bring it to the screen so vividly! Out No.12 Out6é0c Mati1éce She BOUGHT Another Girl’s Fiance And Got More Than She Bargained For! This flaming temptress of the night clubs knew no code of morals except her own! When she wanted a husband she bought one... and found new thrills in synthetic love! the role you’ve longed to see her play! sacle STRAND Out No.15 Out40ce Mat10e Out No.11 Out40c Mat 10e Page Ten