Racket Busters (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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MAGAZINE TIE-UP hdetectiveang ter story addi eked Cal distri SUPPly you with ba -" telling ackets e xe awards Te. CRIME PREVENTION "Crime Prevention Week" is worked in cooperation with ctiy officials, editor of town's leading paper. Boys clubs, scout troops and similar groups are enlisted to report misdemeanors to police authorities. Place posters in shops, schools, on bulletin boards, etc. S are spotted throughout want ads, Readers circle words form. ing the Sentence and s e to contest editor, Sate ie are askee information criminals. B te st i1is ith ered witt and sei1iin pilling 20 Zeb Epst § Cin of S th Bard oye ie ae en" oe lobby on iad ver cau Cfo Beg © Public wanes et ee action Beg” appl : Repel One ie es this RA Paign Pins sles hd: 32 ’ a 6 33 65 Oras ie 335 BL 6 ‘¢ >’ 516 STREET BALLY h looking hombres soht on” Sea oe one of noise. Dae gar". drives up aa screams of sirens, pak norricer" ume narey flashes padge, han oe Ne ana shoves them ; nna Before car starts, he pulls downwindow shades carrying plugs for show. ACTION STILLS