Recaptured Love (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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4 *“RECAPTURED LOVE”—A Warner Bros. Production IMPROVEMENT OF MECHANICS OF TALKING PICTURES REACTS IN FAVOR OF PERFORMERS With Microphone Reproducing Natural Tones of Voice, Player Can Give Best to Role (Current) < ae the steady improvement in the mechanics of talking pictures is strongly reacting in favor of better performances by the players, is the opinion of Belle Bennett, stage and screen star, who is featured in the Warner Brothers and Vita phone production, “Recaptured Love,” at the Theatre. which is now showing According to Miss Bennett, the ¢——— Z time and trouble spent by sound engineers in overcoming the unnatural reproduction of the voice has been of unlimited value in assisting the artists to speak their lines with more ease. Players Restricted “When players must constantly keep in mind that certain voice tones are not registering naturally and that certain allowances must be made in the pitch and inflection because of the imperfection in the recording process, they must of necessity sacrifice much of their speaking teehnique,’ she declares. “This condition,” says Miss Bennett, “handicaps the ability of the players to give their best performance and results in unnatural tones from the screen. However, if the players know that the microphone under which they are working is faithfully and normally recording their speech, they are not worried over the thought of adjusting their voices to the vagaries of the recording apparatus and as a result give to the screen a perfectly natural performance and voice reproduction. Natural “At least,” declares Miss Bennett, “that has been my experience in the past, but during the filming of ‘Recaptured Love’ the recording of my voice was so natural that I found that I could devote all my efforts to speaking in my character and not have to keep my mind on a lot of annoying restrictions.” Reproduction Based on Basil Woon’s original story “‘Misdeal,” ‘“Recaptured Love” was adapted to the screen by Chas. Kenyon. The supporting cast includes John Halliday, Richard Tucker, Dorothy Burgess, Bernard Durkin, Brooks Benedict, George Bickel and others. John Adolfi directed. ADVERTISEMENT MEE WARNER BROS. (£/esce7( RECAPTURED LOV The evils of divorce revealed! An hilarious expose of the terrible social menace that allows a man to make two matrimonial mistakes instead of one! A comedy drama of a wise and pretty wife who cemented her marriage by divorce. lagu, eT TAPHONE eG: TRADE KING pic TUse Two Column Ad—Style B—Cut or Mat a She $oR Belle Bennett and Yorn Hallida ie in Warner Bros. Production Production No. 2—Cut or Mat Wife Wills to Win Back His Love “Fecaptured Love" JOHN HALLIDAY, WELL KNOWN STAGE STAR, MAKES SCREEN DEBUT IN “RECAPTURED LOVE” (Biographical Fe: Feature) OHN HALLIDAY, who plays a featured role with Belle Bennett in “Recaptured Love,” Vitaphone production now showing at the the Warner Brothers latest Theatre, took the first ore out of Goldfield during the Nevada gold rush. ee | Born in Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sep tember 14, 1886, Halliday was taken to Europe by his parents, where he remained until reaching the age of 18. While abroad he studied mining | engineering and it was only natural that upon his return he should join the ranks of westward bound Bold seekers. He settled in Goldfield and amassed a foriune. He moved to Sacramento, Calif., where, after losing his fortune through pad investments, he became stranded. At that time Nat Goodwin’s repertoire was playing at the opera house and Halliday, who was discouraged over his financial losses, applied for a job—He got it. He stayed with Goodwin for several years, later joining up with T. Daniel Frawley, with whom he made a tour of the world. Upon his return to New York he secured a fine part with John Drew in “The Circle,” and it was in this play that Halliday was afforded the thrill of seeing his name in white lights. He soon became a star. Among his most outstanding plays are “The Whip,” “Sour Grapes,” “The Spider,” “The Humbug,” “Jealousy” with Fay Bainter. SPLENDID CAST IN *RECAPTURED LOVE” (Current) An interesting cast composed of screen and stage stars, headed by Belle Bennett and including John Halliday, Dorothy Burgess, Richard Tucker, Junior Durkin, George Bickel and Brooks Benedict, were assembled by Warner Brothers for roles in “Recaptured Love,” the Vitaphone domestic comedy-drama now playing at the Theatre. Halliday makes his mopion picture debut in ‘“Recaptured Love.” He is married to Eleanor Griffith of ‘Alibi’ fame. Others in the supporting cast include such outstanding stage and screen artists as DoroJotrfialli day thy Burgess, Stock N-202 Richard Tucker, Cut or Mat George Bickel, Brooks Benedict and the famous German dancing Twins, the “G Sisters.” “Recaptured Love” is taken from the stage play ‘“Misdeal,”’ by Basil Woon, and adapted to the screen with dialogue by Charles Kenyon. Order Separately MODERN FURNITURE EFFECTIVELY SHOWN (Current) The last word in modernistic furniture is shown in “Recaptured Love,” the Warner Brothers latest Vitaphone comedy-drama which is now playing at the Theatre, with Belle Bennett in the featured role. The story takes place, for the most part, in two apartments, and two homes and deals with an eminent and wealthy business man who becomes the victim of a chorus girl, and who sacrifices his home and happiness for the glamour of youth, but is brought to his senses by a stroke of poetic justice. The low furniture craze as applied to modern homes is shown quite effectively in the apartment sequences of this production. John Halliday plays the principal role in support of Miss Bennett and others in the cast include Hides Burgess and Junior Dur in, NEWS SHORTS (Current) ELLE BENNETT, featured in Warner Brothers Vitaphone production, ‘“‘Recaptured Love,” which is now playing at the ________ Theatre, is again seen in the role for which she is famous, that’ “a mother, but this time she i young mother who enlists 1. d of her son to cleverly win back her wandering husband. ELLE BENNETT, who plays the featured role in “Recaptured Love,” the Warner Brothers latest Vitaphone comedy-drama now playing at the Theatre, has one of the strangest hobbies in the world. She collects rare old Chinese snuff bottles. HOHN ADOLFI, director of “Re captured Love,’ the Warner Brothers and Vitaphone comedydrama which is the current attraction at the Theatre, once played on the stage as leading man for Ethel Barrymore and entered pictures with D. W. Griffith as a leading man. OHN HALLIDAY and _ Junior Durkin, Broadway stage stars, make their screen debut in support of Belle Bennett in “Recaptured Love,’ Warner’ Brothers latest Vitaphone comedy-drama now playing at the Theatre. EORGE BICKEL, who plays an important role in “Recaptured Love,’ Warner Brothers comedy_ drama featuring Belle Bennett, — which is now showing at the _____. Theatre, was instrumental in starting the Ringling Brothers on their successful circus careers. Bickel lent enough money to Alf T. Ringling in 1882 to buy a cornet so he could join the Gregory and gasiceie son circus band. ELLE BENNETT, who enacts the leading role in “Recaptured Love,’ the Warner Brothers and Vitaphone production showing at the Theatre, carries her own private dressing room from studio to studio. NEW WARNER FILM FROM POPULAR PLAY (Current) Basil Woon, the humorous author who wrote “The Paris That’s Not in the Guide Books,” “The Frantic Atlantic’ and “Cr ~ ‘ail Time in Cuba,’ is the au f “Misdeal,’ a comedy whic s been screened by Warner Brothers under the title of ‘“Recaptured Love,” and is now showing at the Theatre. This all-talking Vitaphone picture, adapted to the screen by Charles Kenyon, once again brings Beile Bennett to the silver sheet in a type of role for which she is famous, that of a mother, except that she is a gay young mother this time. John Halliday, celebrated New York stage star, makes his motion picture debut in this film support of Miss Bennett, and Junior Durkin, the able 15 year old youth who played the juvenile lead on the New York stage in ‘Courage,’ is also prominently cast. f Fy!