Recaptured Love (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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8 “RECAPTURED LOVE” — A Warner Bros. Production BEAUTY SHOP CAMPAIGN LINES OF TYPE FOR USE IN MAKING YOUR OWN | Deserted ADS OR LOBBY CARDS American women are becoming more beauty A Man CAN Love Two Women at the Same Time| Conscious every day. It is = Pl not for Long. easy to interest a woman in keeping herself young See a Modern Gold-Digger Get Her Man in and attractive. ““Recaptured Love.” Arrange with Beauty Shop to carry on camAn Amusing Story of a Clever Business Man who|Paign preceding and Thought he was Fooling Two Women—And How during run of picture, apThey Fooled Him! pealing especially to the woman who is past thirty. Can a Woman Revive a Dead Love? In window of shop use attractive stills of Belle A Middle-aged Man Takes a Last Fling at Youth| Bennett. Use copy to the —Rushes Past All Danger Signals—and Heads Right effect that Miss Bennett is os the Bic Crash! a striking example of how Bernard Du kip and Belle Bennett iy) ecapture Ove A Warner Bros. Production young and beautiful a hi idWhen Love Wanders Away it Takes a Clever gees ois, pas le age can remain if she Production No. 5—Cut or Mat | Teaser Campaign Below is copy for Teaser billing. Woman to Recapture It. gives her complexion and | hair intelligent and sysThe Wise Woman Lets Her Husband Have His Fling—And She Has Everything Her Own Way When He Comes Back. tematic care. Summer is an excellent 5 for eason for a campaign of caters We Gieakicos this sort. aways also tack cards. Post mess Worried Wives Should See “Recaptured Love.” It Will Show Them How to Treat Wayward age all over town. Refrain from mentioning theatre or picture and Husbands. Large Red Cardboard | use well in advance of your regular ; Hearts with Pictures of | #nouncements. The Wisest of Men Can be Fooled by a Woman! ae oe . P ae CAN A on them will make an ef= a fective lobby splash. ArWOMAN EVER Recaptured Love.”—an Amusing Tale of One fines hearts 40 indies RECAPTURE Wise Man and Two Clever Women. Love Triangle. LOVE ? SESS oe a aS ed TS ints cleat said ee a, UNUSUAL oT OLN FT You can effect a tieup with local dealers that will be a great publicity splash “Recaptured Love~ and also for the shops |interested in the pro | ject. This picture isa So, in direct contrast, send story of divorce. out a call, thru your newspapers, for the oldest married couple “jin the community. Arrange to have them at a performance of the picture and present them with gifts, do_ = ATIPITIAN nated by the siz, operating in the tieup. The advertising of this stunt would be effective, each shop announcing its participation and the prize they are offering. WHERE AND HOW TO GET STILLS Added to the list of pennants is the one reading “Vitaphone Varieties”—pictured here. This showy pennant is made up in six brilliant colors. Intended for lobby and marquee display—it may also be used for streamer effects. Fitted with eyelets. Price $2.50 per dozen Order stills from Miss Ruth Weisberg, care 321 West 44th Street, New York City, New York. State what use you wish tured Love.” Special pennants made up for Warner Bros., Inc any picture—at low price. Another new pennant now available contains the words “See and Hear.” needed. Order From MORRIS LIBERMAN 690 Eighth Avenue New York to make of stills, and careful selection will be made. Price, ten cents each. Decorate your lobby with these attractive pennants. At very small cost you can ha«~ special banners made for “Rec. Get in touch with manufacturers several weeks in advance of play date to assure having banners and pennants on hand when Hang banners in lobby a week in advance and suspend under marquee during run of picture.