Recaptured Love (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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*“RECAPTURED LOVE” — A Warner Bros. Production NO. Newspaper Advertising UM, Ui, ‘ LOVE Don’t divorce your wife for a chorus girl until you’ve seen “Recaptured Love.” It will save you alimony and make you laugh! with BELLE BENNETT John Halliday Dorothy Burgess RICHARD TUCKER JUNIOR DURKIN SONG HIT—‘How Lovely You Can Be” e : A. — | ae Iwas YT TARHON et Three Column Ad—Style G—Cut or Mat WHY MEN COME BACK When You Build Your Own Ads Please Use the Following Proportions in Billing: “RECAPTURED LOVE” BELLE BENNETT JOHN HaLiipay DorotTHy BuRGEss RicHARD TUCKER JUNIOR DURKIN GEORGE BICKEL G SISTERS From the play “Misdeal”’ by Bast. Woon Screen play and dialogue by CHarLEs KENYON Directed by JoHN ADOLFI A laugh for the ‘married folks and a lesson for those about to be. with Belle John BENNETT HALLIDAY and a Great Cast — Wi [TAN |p fanes| WUTAPHONE One Col Ad—Style H Cut or Mat eA Warner Bros. & Vitaphone Picture —0—