Rivers End 1940 (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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AMERICA’S BEST-LOVED STORY-TELLER TELLS HIS UNFORGETTABLE TALE OF THE MOUNTED ! 9 ~-DENNIS MORGAN GEORGE TOBIAS as the immortal Sergeant Conniston Hot stuff from the ‘‘Torrid Zone”’ = ELIZABETH EARL e VICTOR JORY * JAMES STEPHENSON Directed by RAY ENRIGHT « A WARNER BROS.First Nat’! Picture Screen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser Mat 206—5 inches x 2 columns (140 lines)—30c [3] Now was his chance for revenge! Revenge for two tortured years of hiding that had almost changed him into * a howling beast! The moment he dreamed of had come i bUT NOW HE COULDN’T KILL! Watch these two! They're going to be stars! with DENNIS MORGAN GEO. TOBIAS as the immortal Sgt. Conniston Hot stuff from the ‘‘Torrid Zone’’ ELIZABETH EARL * VICTOR JORY * JAMES STEPHENSON Directed by RAY ENRIGHT-A WARNER BROS..First Nat’ Picture Screen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser Mat 208—10 inches x 2 columns (276 lines) —30c