Rivers End 1940 (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD VICTOR JORY «JAMES STEPHENSON Directed by Ray Enright A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture Screen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser Mat 108 4/2 inches (65 lines)—I5c Vitaphone Shorts Selections BROADWAY BREVITIES presents “Young America Flies.””> The year’s most impressive short delineates the arduous training of young civilians prior to their entering into various branches of air service. Donald Woods, Jean Parker, and William Lundigan are featured. 5110—Broadway Brevities—22 Minutes. MERRIE MELODIES offers in “The Egg Collector,” the latest hilarious adventures of Sniffles and the Book Worm, humorous characters who have formerly appeared in other amusing situations. 5323—Merrie Melodies—7 Minutes. THE COLOR PARADE journeys to “The Valley,” showing us how the hardy, widely-discussed victims of 1935’s dust bowl have built new lives in Alaska’s fertile Matanuska Valley. 5409—The Color Parade— 10 Minutes. LOONEY TUNES stars Porky Pig in “The Chewin’ Bruin,” wherein our old pal learns the screamingly funny story of the fat little bear cub who had a weakness for chewin’ tobacco! 5614—Looney Tunes —7 Minutes. MELODY MASTERS spotlights “Ozzie Nelson And Orchestra.” Young America’s favorite gets in the groove with some of the swingiest music your patrons have ever heard. 5509—Melody Masters—10 Minutes. There Should Be A Patriotic Short On Every Program. Book Warners’! TWO ADS ON ONE MAT Mat 1 10—I5c WHERE CIVILIZATION ENDS...AND THRIUS BEGIN! by JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD DENNIS MORGAN GEORGE TOBIAS ELIZABETH EARL + VICTOR JORY + JAMES STEPHENSON Directed by RAY ENRIGH™ » A WARNER BROS.First Nat’! Picture * Sc-een Play by Barry Trivers & Bertram Millhauser “DODGE CITY”OF THE NORTH! ii by JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD master of red-blooded adventure! DENNIS MORGAN -GEORGE TOBIAS ELIZABETH EARL + VICTOR JORY « JAMES STEPHENSON Directed by RAY ENRIGHT * A WARNER BROS.First Nat’! Picture * Screen Play by Barry Trivers & Bertram Millhauser THE NORTHWEST MOUNTED’S .. MOST EXCITING UnT! nit PEs A WARNER BROS. First National Picture Directed by RAY ENRIGHT Screen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser Mat 109 3 inches (43 lines)—15c WARNER BROS, TRAILER [7] mightiest romance of the outdoors! M DENNIS GEORGE ORGAN OBIAS ELIZABETH EARL VICTOR JORY JAMES STEPHENSON Directed by Ray Enright A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture Screen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millheuser Mat 107 51/4 inches (75 lines)—15c Official Billing WARNER BROS. 40% Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% “RIVER’S END” 100% By James Oliver Curwood 25% with DENNIS MORGAN—GEORGE TOBIAS 50% JAMES STEPHENSON-—ELIZABETH EARL—VICTOR JORY 10% * * * Directed by Ray Enright % * %* Sereen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser 3% * * * A Warner Bros.-First National Picture