Rivers End 1940 (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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CS ————— PUBLICITY a a ea ee ee (Review) “River’s End”, Rugged Tale of North, At Strand (Opening Day) “River’s End”, Gripping Drama, Opens At Strand “River’s End,” the greatest story from the action-jammed pen of James Oliver Curwood, rides across the Strand screen today. America’s best-loved story-teller relates an unforget table tale of sz the Northwest Mounted in Warner Bros’. new outdoor thriller. Starring Dennis Morgan and George Tobias, the film takes movie goers back to River’s End, the Dodge City of the North, where Mat 101—15c DENNIS MORGAN Sergeant Conniston solved the strangest history of the case in the Mounted. The story begins in River’s End where John Keith is accused of murdering a business associate. River’s End was known to the ‘Mounties’ as the place where murderers sought refuge from the law . . . where civilization ended and adventure began. Convicted of the crime he makes a desperate attempt to escape and flees to the northern woods. Sergeant Conniston is sent by his superiors to bring in Keith. dead or alive. With hunter and hunted bearing a striking resemblance to each other, Keith assumes the role. of Sergeant Conniston, after the latter dies of his wounds suffered in a fall. From that point until the self-made “Sergeant” catches the actual murderer, the film is filled with thrilling action scenes and many exciting episodes. Dennis Morgan plays the dual role of John Keith and Sergeant Conniston, while his FrenchCanadian assistant is portrayed by that grand, character-actor, George Tobias. He is teamed with Steffi Duna and they are a riot as two newlyweds who start their honeymoon in a canoe. Elizabeth Earl is seen as Sergeant Conniston’s sister who is forced to choose between the man she loves and her own brother. Other players in the excellent cast include Victor Jory and James Stephenson. Adapted from the James Oliver Curwood Novel, “River’s End” was scripted by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser. Ray Enright directed the action film, which is sure to attract every thrill fan in town when it opens at the Strand Theatre this morning. Mat 201—30c Elizabeth Earl, star of London stage and screen, makes her debut in the picturization of James Oliver Curwood's "River End," at the Strand on Friday. English Actress To Make Screen Debut At Strand “IT like it so much here that I’m going to become a citizen of California,’ was the way Elizabeth Earl expressed her reactions to the southland. The young English actress, making her motion picture debut opposite Dennis Morgan in “River’s End,” coming to the Strand Friday, says she’s here for keeps. The feeling around Warner Bros. studio, to whom Miss Earl is under contract, is that it is fortunate to have won out in the Hollywood competition for her services. Several studios were in the market, but Warner Bros. not only outbid the field but offered the contract without even going through the formality of a screen test. Born in England, her school years were spent at St. Michael’s Convent in Sussex, and at Elle. Jaccard’s school at St. Croix in Switzerland. Her appearances with various stock companies took her to practically every city in England. In London, she _ studied with the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, where Vivian Leigh and Ida Lupino were her classmates. Her ambition, as far back as she can remember, has always been to be an actress, and the fact that she is one, Miss Earl credits entirely to herself. Being one of those fortunately slim people, Miss Earl does not have to diet and, by announcing that all foods are her “fay It doesn't look like smooth sailing for these newlyweds, played by George Tobias and Steffi Duna, as they leave on their honeymoon. Scene from Warner Bros. "River's End,'' opening Friday at the Strand. Mat 205—30c orite” foods, implies that she wouldn’t even if she had to. She has no superstitious belief except to say “Bless you,” after someone sneezes. It was her appearance in New York that brought her to the attention of Warner Bros. Originally scheduled to play her original role in “Gaslight,” Miss Earl played her original role in “Billy Draws a Horse’ when plans were changed. It drew a contract for Miss Earl, who was very happy about it all. Victor Jory Wages Brutal Film Fight A good man not to get in a fight with is Victor Jory. Now appearing with Dennis Morgan and Elizabeth Earl at the Strand in “River’s End,” Jory — who used to do a “strong man” act on the stage — impressed the Warner Bros. company between scenes with his phenomenal strength. Taking a poker from the fireplace on the set, he wrapped a handkerchief around the middle and grasped it between his teeth. He held the two ends in his hands and, by pulling up with his head, bent the heavy iron rod. After straightening jit, he smashed it heavily against his other arm which he held extended, and again bent the poker. The bent poker remains near the fireplace as proof of Jory’s prowess, and the awe struck actors keep him busy bending and unbending it. In “River’s End” he has a fight sequence with Dennis Morgan who himself is no mean puncher. The two actors were discussing the scene and Jory— who used to be a light weight boxing champion of British Columbia — confided that he hated fighting. Screen Kiss Debut George Tobias drew his first screen kiss from Steffi Duna, called “the hottest kisser in Hollywood.” Tobias, appearing with Miss Duna, Dennis Morgan and Elizabeth Earl in “River’s End,” coming to the Strand, was given this osculatory inauguration under the watchful eye of Director Ray Enright for comedy scenes in the picture. [9] CAST OF CHARACTERS John Keith).).3i4. DENNIS MORGAN (Sergeant Derry Conniston) Andy, Dijon sian cine GEORGE TOBIAS Linda Conniston.....ELIZABETH EARL Norman /Ralbot tcc Victor Jory Inspector McDowell......James Stephenson Cheetateor et ee ee aus Stefi Duna Branki@randallieaiwen?. Edward Pawley Constable Jeffers John Ridgley Constable Kentish ................ Frank Wilcox Balt caves rset eerie hess ee David Bruce JEStiGeSI NG, Seg je ee ats Gilbert Emery Sergeant’ Cruze .)...55:Stuart Robinson PRODUCTION STAFF: Directed by Ray Enright; Associate Producer, William Jacobs; Original Story by James Oliver Curwood; Screen Play by Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser; Director of Photography, Arthur L. Todd, A.S.C.; Art Director, Esdras Hartley; Dialogue Director, Robert Foulk; Film Editor, Clarence Kolster; Sound by Robert B. Lee; Special Advisor, Robert Watson, F.R.G.S.; costumes by Milo Anderson; Special Effects by, Edwin A. DuPar, A.S.C.; Makeup Artist, Perc Westmore. “River’s End,” the most action-jammed adventure story to ever come from the pen of James Oliver Curwood, made its local bow at the Strand Theatre last night. America’s greatest story-teller reached the peak of his career when he wrote “River’s End” and Warner Bros. have brought the thrilling tale to glowing life on the screen. Starring Dennis Morgan, George Tobias and Elizabeth Earl, the picture relates the story of River’s End, Dodge City of the North . hideout of murderers ... where civilization ends and adventure begins. Handsome Sergeant Conniston, of the Mounties, is sent out to bring back John Keith, wanted for murder. The chase leads the Red-Coat beyond the furthest reaches of civilization along a trail two years long and a thousand miles wide. There, when the hunter and the hunted meet, the two discover the striking resemblance in their appearance, and the most gripping drama in the history of the Northwest Mounted begins. And at the end of the trail is the girl, fearfully awaiting the winner ... wondering whether it will be her sweatheart or her brother. Dennis Morgan is excellent in his dual role as Sergeant Conniston and John Keith, and turns in a very virile, convincing performance all the way through. Elizabeth Earl, as the girl torn between love for her sweetheart and for her brother, proves that this lovely English actress is destined to be a great star. As the-French-Canadian woodsman, George Tobias again comes through with one of those perfect characterizations he has made famous. Other capable perfommers in the cast include Victor Jory, James Stephenson and Steffi Duna. Ray Enright was in charge of directing the thrilling hit and kept the the film moving at a fast clip from opening shot to the last reel. In adapting the picture from the Curwood novel, Barry Trivers and Bertram Millhauser did a masterful job and made the novelist’s characters really come to life once again. Our tip to movie thrillseekers is:—“Don’t miss ‘River’s End’.” Mat 104—15c DENNIS MORGAN Too Warm For Uniform Most uncomfortable people in Hollywood were Dennis Morgan and his supporting company of several hundred actors who appear with him in “River’s End,” now at the Strand. For outdoor action scenes, the company moved to the Warner ranch at Calabassas. Morgan seen as a North West Mounted Policeman, wore the heavy regulation uniform in order in 1907. The others wore clothes appropriate to the great North West. DEATH TO LOSER Mat 204—30c The hunted and the hunter come to grips at "River's End," an action-packed film, starring Dennis Morgan, George Tobias and Elizabeth Earl, which has its initial showing at the Strand Friday.