Santa Fe Trail (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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CAST “Kit Carson” Holliday Oliver Brown (Still SF 33; Mat 211—30c) FIGHT TO THE FINISH between Errol Flynn (right) and Van Heflin—only one of the many thrills in "Santa Fe Trail," coming to the Strand. PRODUCTION Directed by MICHAEL CURTIZ : Original Screen Play by Robert Buckner; Director of Photography, Sol Polito, A.S.C.; Art Director, John Hughes; Dialogue Director, Jo Graham; Film Editor, George Amy; Sound by Robert B. Lee; Special Effects by Byron Haskin, A.S.C. and H. F. Koenekamp, A.S.C.; Make-up Artist, Perc Westmore; Costumes by Milo Anderson; Orchestral Arrangements by Hugo Friedhofer; Musical Director, Leo F. Forbstein; STORY HIS GUN BLAZES THE TRAIL—Errol Flynn as U. S. history's most famous cavalry commander, Jeb Stuart, sets the fast, exciting pace of "Santa Fe Trail." Jols: Stash: 5. docs ce: Coeerececesosescocsseeacee Cee ee ee erereresarererscoeseoneeceseeee ERROL FLYNN OLIVIA de HAVILLAND Raymond Massey George Custer.................... Ronald Reagan bon BOW... ic es Alan Hale Bob Holliday................ William Lundigan Ree ey a een eee ree saneitc Van Heflin Jason Brown....................08 Gene Reynolds Cyrus Holliday.................... Henry O’Neill Windy Brody..Guinn “Big Boy’”’ Williams Alan Baxter John Litel (Still SF 505; Mat 203—30c) Raberct.©:.Leéj5.20 c5........ Moroni Olsen Phil Sheridan... -s...0......50000 David Bruce Barber Doyle................ Hobart Cavanaugh Major Sumner.............. Charles D. Brown TT pret erie ee Joe Sawyer James Longstreet................ Frank Wilcox TP OWRIEY 2 6oi iors Aeetioe Ward Bond Shubel Morgan................ Russell Simpson PONY <cciciesvach ces oss Charles Middleton Jefferson Davis............. Erville Anderson COnGUCtOr. <<. >.<. ....:.sc0na4. Spencer Charters Charlotte.................... Suzanne Carnahan George Pickett .............. William Marshall John Hood .................... George Haywood (Still SF 50; Mat 206—30c) ON THEIR WAY TO SANTA FE—Alan Hale and "Big Boy’ Williams lead the way for the stage coach in the new Errol Flynn starring film, "Santa Fe Trail." ee (Not for Publication) It is 1854, but already the seeds of hatred which are to result in the Civil War, are dividing the nation. which presage the war which is to come. At West Point, there is a fight among the graduating class. Jeb Stuart (Errol Flynn) and Rader (Van Heflin) start it, and as a result Rader is expelled and Stuart, although he is allowed to graduate, is sent with his friend George Custer (Ronald Reagan) to “bloody” Kansas for their induction into army service. At Fort Leavenworth, Stuart and Custer become friendly rivals for the hand of Kit Holliday (Olivia de Havilland) freight service over the Santa Fe Trail to the West. The two young officers therefore embark gladly on their first assignment—to act as military convoy for one of Kit’s wagon trains. A little way out, the train is attacked by John Brown (Raymond Massey) and his followers, who try to capture a shipment of guns the wagons are carrying. This is Stuart's first clash with Brown, fanatical zealot who is bringing a reign of terror upon Kansas in an effort to rid the state of slavery. But there are many more clashes, battles Transferred back to Washington after he has heroically freed himself and.a crowd of slaves from a burning barricade erected by Brown, Stuart takes Kit, his promised bride, to a military ball. But the ball is interrupted by the news that Brown is attempting to take the arsenal at Harper's Ferry. Brown has been sold out by his military expert, Rader. Stuart leads the military forces against Brown, and captures him, but not before Brown has killed Rader. manager of her father’s great wagon Publicity continues on pages 14 through 20 Country of origin U. S. A. Copyright 1940 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. .Gopyright-is waived ‘to magazines and newspapers. he oA «