Santa Fe Trail (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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win ae: et 4 Gee Se ‘ae . AT SS eee | Se ee), ee ef Pas YOUR EXPLOITATION SPECIAL! It’s the high-spot of your ‘Santa Fe’ send-off .... Your big opportunity to hook up with a local civic event and turn your showing into a city-wide jubilee. Dig into the archives of your town hall to uncover an event. This, as your standard bearer, paves the ‘Trail’ with a succession of promotions to tie up your showing —importantly — with an impressive news-making program. ‘Santa Fe Trail’ parade of promotions marches on gloriously with exploitation excitement—street ballys of every variety .... ideas to take to schools .... family trade promotions.... dealer tie-up angles....daily picture-story strips for full week newspaper feature .... columns of interesting publicity material . . . . and loads of accessories for your theatre lobby and front! Every showing is backed by Warners’ intensive advertising and publicity in the big-selling magazines and newspapers. Plus the ballyhoo and excitement, newspaper and radio coverage of the 5-Day World Premiere Jubilee which made “Santa Fe Trail” the talk of the land! Hit the ‘Trail’ For Big Exploitation Round-up!