Saratoga Trunk (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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Col. ‘Clint Mardon s:......... 0: GARY COOPER Clio Dulditie 7 .2gecccc... INGRID BERGMAN Angeline 32a Sk Flora Robson Cli siccmsess Jerry Austin Bartholomew Van Steed ........ John Warburton Mrs. Coventry Bellop .............. Florence Bates Augustin Haussy .....0.....cceeceeseeees Curt Bois Roscoe Bean ......... Beis wccks John Abbott Mme. Clarissa Van Steed ........ Ethel Griffies Mire: Porceletnn eas ciis.. Marla Shelton Mrs. Nicholas Dulaine .......... Helen Freeman Charlotte Dulaine ................... . Sophie Huxley Monsieur Begue ................ccceeeeeeee Fred Essler Rorymond BOUle cocccccc.ccsscsntessschoee Louis Payne Miss: Ditnia ics been, Sarah Edwards Grandmother Dulaine Adrienne D’Ambricourt Guilia Forosini ................ .. Jacqueline DeWitt credits A Hal B. Wallis Production. Directed by Sam Wood. Screen Play by Casey Robinson; From the Novel by Edna Ferber. Music by Max Steiner. Director of Photography, Ernie Haller, A.S.C. Film Editor, Ralph Dawson. Art Director, Carl Jules Weyl. Sound by Robert B, Lee. Technical Advisor, Dalton S. Reymond. Special Effects by Lawrence Butler. Set Decorations by Fred MacLean. Production Designed by Joseph St. Amand. Makeup Artist, Perc Westmore. Gowns by Leah Rhodes. Musical Director, Leo F. Forbstein. occ Wk cl ae a: eee “THE BIG SLEEP” Phil Marlowe .............. HUMPHREY BOGART ita iio sc<c eae LAUREN BACALL ie ee ae at John Ridgely RNIN on ccc slag ks Sc discas sannccsa Martha Vickers Preprietreas. ..<:.:. 5% Dorothy Malone poe Oe ee ee Peggy Knudsen Beetle Olle «.........::.:.s<sensedan venue Regis Toomey General Sternwood ............ Charles Waldron Norris (Butler) ...................... Charles D. Brown CERIN oe en ui ce cere ...... Bob Steele Piety 1GHO8 isis c.iscccecnectcn Elisha Cook, Jr. JOG TOY -chiccisssviesccccgtiecon Louis Jean Heydt TG ik eco scl cise sina. asatas Sonia Darrin Capt. .... James Flavin Wilde — Dist. Atty. .............. Thomas Jackson Ceapol Lamdaren ..:<...i:.csescesscnncs Tom Rafferty Arthur Geiger ...................005 Theodore Von Eltz Omen: Tera iis. cesccseeasseicotisess Dan Wallace Teica Driver \..:........5..0cs000ccbee Joy Barlowe SOIT 50ers sicas5-..-0>dheuhemenktedeneak Tom Fadden MN oi, ee cisitas ss eviigacesstsanescannnt Ben Welden PE ORO «5 0S cai vnceesaasenans Trevor Bardette credits A Howard Hawks Production. Music by Max Steiner. Screen Play by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman; From the Novel by Raymond Chandler. Directed by Howard Hawks. Photographed by Sid Hickox, A.S.C. Art Director, Carl Jules Weyl. Film EditorChristian Nyby. Sound by Robert B. Lee. Set Decorations by Fred M. MacLean. Special Effects by E. Rey Davidson, Director—Warren E, Lynch, A.S.C. Wardrobe by Leah Rhodes. Makeup Artist, Perc Westmore, Musical Director, Leo F. Forbstein. Assistant Director, Robert Vreeland. as Clint, the Magnificent Gambler INGRID as his Clio of New Orleans ’ WARNER BROS. RE-RELEASE Me Fae DIRECTED BY FLORA ROBSON a HAL B. WALLIS eroouction SAM WOOD SCREEN PLAY BY CASEY ROBINSON + FROM THE NOVEL BY EDNA FERBER + MUSIC BY MAX STEINER ert at — «MARTHA VICKERS DOROTHY MALONE < HOWARD HAWKS scr MUSIC BY MAX STEINER +» SCREEN PLAY BY WILLIAM FAULKNER, LEIGH BRACKETT & JULES FURTHMAN FROM THE NOVEL BY RAYMOND CHANDLER Mat 302S—3 Cols. x 1314 Inches (567 Lines)