Saratoga Trunk (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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GARY COOPER | as White Hat, the Gambler AND BERGMAN as his New Orleans Woman EDNA FLORA SWAT a HAL B. WALLIS proouction. onecro » SAM WOOD LB PLAY BY WA ROBINSON FROM THE NOVEL BY EDNA FERBER + MUSIC BY MAX STEINER WARNER BROS. RE-RELEASES MARTHA VICKERS SCREEN PLAY BY WILLIAM FAULKNER. LEIGH BRACKETT & JULES AMA FROM THE NOVEL BY RAYMOND CHANDLI re Mat 401S—4 Cols. x 8 Inches (436 Lines) BILLING BILLING WARNER BROS. 50% WARNER BROS. 50% Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% Pictures, Inc. Presents 5% GARY INGRID ° COOPER 4% BERGMAN too: HUMPHREY BOGART 100% LAUREN BACALL 100% Edna Ferber’s 30% in SARATOGA TRUNK 100% “THE BIG SLEEP” 190% with with FLORA ROBSON 25% MARTHA VICKERS — DOROTHY MALONE 40% A Hal B. Wallis Production 35% A HOWARD HAWKS PRODUCTION 60% Directed by Sam Wood 35% Music by Max Steiner 3% Screen Play by Casey Robinson 5% Sotash William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett 3% From the Novel by Edna Ferber 5% and Jules Furthman Music by Max Steiner 3% From the Novel by Raymond Chandler 2% A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5% A Warner Bros.-First National Picture 5% STATUTE ts Country of Origin U.S.A. Copyright 1954 Warner Bros. Pictures Distributing Corporation SSOUVUVEVU DADA AVEDEVATEVEVEDATOUADEDOVAUUEAVOUAEOEOEAEOEOUOOOOOTODADAEEDAATOUODEUATOEOUOUOEOEOOGEOEG ODOT OG EU ATO EAD EEE EECA EDTA ATAU ED ADEE EEE”