Saratoga Trunk (Warner Bros.) (1945)

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ee ee LLU LLLP PLLLPLOLUPPOCUPLOCOLDLOELUUPLOLLPPPOMLLULULLOEMUPCOUAMT PROM PPOOUMOPOOOOOUOONUMOOIOMMOOUMOOUUOT TOONAMI LOU MT DOOOUOO POUT OOOOOITDOOOOUETCUOOUOITPOOOOUIPCOMCOUTCOOMCCUCOOUOTTROOCOOTTOOUCUMTUOUTNNMTOINUMT TIMI IUM NNT CTT TTT TWO WB HITS RETURN WITH TOP STARS (Lead Story—Double Bill) Two of Warner Bros.’ all-time hits, “Saratoga Trunk,” starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, and Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall in “The Big Sleep,” are due for return BOtne. 2S fe Theatre starting “Saratoga Trunk” is the story of the strange partnership of Clint Maroon, played by Gary Cooper, a gambler, fighter and romantic rogue, and the exotic Creole, Clio Dulaine, portrayed by Ingrid Bergman. The fiery romance and action unfolds against the bawdy lawlessness of New Orleans and flamboyant Saratoga during an era which has long passed. The characters of Clio and Clint are familiar to readers of the best-seller, Edna Ferber’s “Saratoga Trunk” upon which the film story was based. One of filmdom’s most sensa HUMPHREY BOGART and LAUREN BACALL are seen in a romantic closeup from Howard Hawks’ production of the hard-hitting drama, “THE BIG SLEEP,” which begins a special return engagement rity eee at the ............ Theatre. Still 636-508 INGRID BERGMAN and GARY COOPER co-star in Hal B. Wallis’ production of Edna Ferber’s “SARATOGA TRUNK.” The Warner Bros. film returns to the screen of the ........... Theatre in a special engagement which begins ......... g Still ST-111 Mat ST-2A Mat 636-2A Cooper-Bergman Romantic Team (Lead Story—Single Bill) Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman are romantically teamed in “Saratoga Trunk,” the Hal B. Wallis production for Warner Bros. which will begin a special return engagement ........ at thes wae Theatre. “Saratoga Trunk” depicts the fiery romance and action of two of the most flamboyant characters in fiction. It is the story of Clint Maroon, a gambler, fighter and romantic rogue from New Orleans, and the beautiful Clio Dulaine, the exotic Creole who knew what she wanted and how to get it. The story unfolds against a backdrop of colorful New Orleans and the bawdy Saratoga of a departed era. The film was prepared for the screen by Casey Robinson from the best-selling novel by Edna Ferber. In addition to stars Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, “Saratoga Trunk” features an important supporting cast headed by Flora Robson. Produced by Hal B. Wallis for Warner Bros., “Saratoga Trunk” was directed by Sam Wood. ‘Saratoga Trunk’ Opens Today (Opening Day—Single Bill) “Saratoga Trunk,” starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, returns to the screen toGay atthe os Theatre in a special engagement. Hailed as one of the lustiest dramas to come out of Hollywood, “Saratoga Trunk” is the story of a magnificent rogue and an exotic Creole in untamed New Orleans and bawdy Saratoga. Adapted for the screen by Casey Robinson from Edna Ferber’s best-selling novel, “Saratoga Trunk” was produced by Hal B. Wallis for Warner Bros. The film was directed by Sam Wood. GARY COOPER Still ST-581 Mat ST-1A INGRID BERGMAN Still ST-592 Mat ST-1B tional couples, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, are starred in Howard Hawks’ production of Raymond Chandler’s “The Big Sleep.” The film story, adapted for the screen by William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman, is a tale of blackmail which has a payoff in murder and romance. Bogart is seen in the famous role of Phil Marlowe, private detective. Miss Bacall is the sultry daughter of a millionaire. Hal B. Wallis produced “Saratoga Trunk” for Warner Bros. and Sam Wood directed. “The Big Sleep” was produced and directed by Howard Hawks for the studio. All-Star Hits Return Today (Opening Day—Double Bill) “Saratoga Trunk,” starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman, plus, “The Big Sleep” starring Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall begin a special return engagement today at the FRE. MER Theatre. Hal B. Wallis’ production of Edna Ferber’s “Saratoga Trunk,” for Warner Bros. is the story of two of the most dynamic characters of American fiction, Clint Maroon, gambler, fighter, romantic rogue and Clio Dulaine, the exotic Creole. The action takes place in lusty New Orleans and amidst the flamboyance of Saratoga during an era which has passed into history. “The Big Sleep” is Howard Hawks’ production of Raymond Chandler’s hard-hitting novel starring one of Hollywood’s most sensational couples, Bogart and Bacall. The film story begins with blackmail and ends in murder with Bogart, in the role of a private detective, romantically involved with the sultry daughter of a millionaire eccentric. “Saratoga Trunk and “The Big Sleep” are both Warner Bros. re-releases. HUMPHREY BOGART Still HB-337 Mat 636-1B LAUREN BACALL Still BACALL-71 Mat 636-14 ‘The Big Sleep’ Stars Bogart— Lauren Bacall (Lead Story—Single Bill) Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, one of filmdom’s most sensational couples, co-star in the special return engagement of Howard Hawks’ production of Warner Bros.’ thriller “The Big Sleep.” The film is a tense story of murder and blackmail with a generous portion of fiery love in the BogartBacall manner. Adapted for the screen by Nobel prize-winner William Faulkner, Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman, “The Big Sleep” is based on the best-selling novel by Raymond Chandler. The screen drama will open ca isos at the... °.:. Theatre, ‘The Big Sleep’ Here Today (Opening Day—Single Bill) Filmdom’s most sensational couple, Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall, return to the sereen in co-starring roles in Howard Hawks’ production “The Big Sleep,” which opens today MUO ge Theatre. Blackmail which has it payoff in murder is the force behind the tense drama which paired Bogart and Bacall in this hit of action hits. Bogart is seen in one of his most famous portrayals as Philip Marlow, the private detective created by mystery writer Raymond Chandler. Bacall plays the part of the sultry daughter of a millionaire who hires the services of Humphrey Bogart. As directed by Howard Hawks “The Big Sleep’ adds up to tense and dramatic entertainment. William Faulkner, winner of the Nobel prize for literature, wrote the screen adaptation with Leigh Brackett and Jules Furthman. <genii> teiiiaiesciiccile<is uinsuut nn a tangy eh g A COMPLETELY NEW LINE OF POSTERS AND ACCESSORIES SEE BACK COVER