Saturdays Children (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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E GET EXACTLY 000020 paid "WE MARRIED ON 20 A WEEK. .. fl” We <p v weur ih CASH NN ANDA nine IN Jogi “A one room flat can be a castle. And canned beans can taste like caviar. Sure, it’s love...the kind a million bucks could never buy!” MAXWELL ANDERSON’S Pulitzer Prize-Winning Play Roscoe Karns Lee Patrick « Dennie Moore : Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN CLAUDE RAIN S A WARNER BROS.-First National Picture Sereen Play by Julius J. and Philip G. Epstein « Based on the Pulitzer Prize Play by Maxwell Anderson Mat 207—4l/, inches x 2 columns (116 lines) —30c Roscoe Karns ¢ Lee Patrick Dennie Moore Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN A WARNER BROS..First Nat’l Picture Screen Play by Julius J. and Philip G. Epstein Based on the Pulitzer Prize Play by Maxwell Anderson Mat 206—7 inches x 2 columns (198 lines]}—30c “We're Young... We're Married MUBal OF ALL WE'RE BROKE!” eet 5 And last week they saved 16c! Johnny doesn’t ride to work in a limousme and Anne doesn’t have a mink coat! So what? They’ve found the secret of being married, broke and happy...and they’re letting the whole world in on it! CLAUDE RAINS Roscoe Karns: Lee Patrick Dennie Moore Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN A WARNER BROS.-First Nat’l Picture Screen Play by Julius J. and Philip G. Epstein Based on the Pulitzer Prize Play by Maxwell Anderson A WARNER BROS..First National Picture Screen Ploy by Julivs J. and Philip G. Epstein * Based on the Pulitzer. Prize Play. by Maxwell Antervon + ROSCOE KARNS-LEE PATRICK -DENNIE MOORE Directed by VINCENT SHERMAN Mat 114 31/, inches (45 lines)—15c Mat 209—4l/, inches x 2 columns (120 lines)—30c [10]