Scarlet Dawn (Warner Bros.) (1932)

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KEYNOTE INFORMATION “SELL THOSE STARS!” (Editor’s Note:—This sales analysis was written by a leading showman after a preview of the picture. ) “You don’t have to be told that the public is shopping for the unusual — every showman knows it! The new star combination of Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. and Nancy Carroll gives you that ‘different’ angle to land ‘Scarlet Dawn’ in the big money class. It’s the first time these two popular stars have played together and boy, how they click. They’re sweet and hot, romantic and appealing . . . just what the doctor ordered for our box-offices. AND if that’s not enough, there’s Lilyan Tashman adding her blonde appeal to the plus side of the ledger. Where Lilyan has a large following you can give her equal billing and make it a ‘three star’ picture. “In selling the story don’t stress the Russian locale. Don’t attempt any play on Russian class struggle. The script is off the beaten track and supplies a fine romantic tale that would pack plenty of b.o. power no matter what the locale. The angle of a man falling in love with a girl who is actually his slave is certainly unusual. ‘Getting back to our opening paragraph, do a complete selling job on the cast and you’ve won threequarters of your box-office battle on ‘Scarlet Dawn’.”’ THE STORY When the revolution breaks out in St. Petersburg, Nikiti, a prince of the house of Krasnoff, is captured and sent back to his estate under eee & ee the only servant left on the estate, 1. 10us Krasnoff gems, identifies him, but does not reveal the fact that he is the prince. Nikiti is released. When he leaves the palace, Tanyusha follows him. He tries to send her back, but she refuses to go. The two travel together and attempt to escape over the border, but Nikiti encounters difficulties. They finally manage to reach Nikiti gets work as a dishwasher and Tanyusha as a Constantinople. serub-woman in a hospital, the two living together in a cheap boarding Although she is a faithful servant, Tanyusha will not willingly become Nikiti’s mistress, and he, not wishing to force her, and touched house. by her devotion, marries her. One day, Vera, a former flame of Nikiti, recognizes him in the restaurant where he works. She visits him secretly and lays before scheme to make a fortune. him a Weary _of dish-washing, he abandons Tanyusha and goes with Vera to a fashionable hotel. his rightful title and meets a Mr. There, he assumes Murphy from America, and _ his daughter, Marjorie, “who promptly falls in love with the Prince. Vera’s scheme is to get daughter interested, then =a lllllClUS —— She urges Nikiti to hasten the negotiations as a proclamation has been issued to drive all Russians from the country and she plans to leave with Nikiti and go to Paris. At the last moment, however, Nikiti is consciencestricken and reveals the plot to Marjorie. He leaves the hotel and goes to the rooming house to find Tanyusha, but she has gone. He inquires at the hospital, but they tell him she was about to become a mother and could no longer work. Frantic, he searches everywhere, but is unable to find her. He is finally caught by soldiers and herded with a great host of refugees and sent out of the Half-crazed with hunger, exposure and grief, he is marching in the column when he hears his name called. He sees a woman lying by the roadside, where she has fallen, overcome with exhaustion. It is Tanyusha, who is among the refugees being driven out of Turkey. Nikiti picks her up tenderly in his arms and again joins the ragged group of outcasts in their march out of the land. country. Warner Bros.Pictures, Inc. OFFICIAL BILLING 25% presents DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. 100% and Nancy CARROLL “SCARLET DAWN” 75% 100% with LityaANn TASHMAN Directed by William Dieterle A Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Picture Page Two 50% 20% 40% t Lae NANCY CARROLL and DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. as they appear in WV arner Bros,’ epic of romance and adventure, “Scarlet Dawn.” Lilyan Tashman is also featured in the picture, which concludes its Strand engagement tonight. Cut No.6 Cut 30c Mat 10c CAST OF CHARACTERS |i: 2 ee Se mone ee DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. Tanyusha Speen eee ee ee Nancy CARROLL Ons ee si eet Sey eb ee ee EarRLeE Fox Vera ee SERS Ben TE i oR LityAN TASHMAN NAOH ee SHEILA TERRY ae Oe ee Betty GILLETTE SOU Fr FRANK REICHER PM oe es ee ARNOLD KorFF Marjorie’s father Turkish landlord Ivan Pyotyr Landlord's wife. : ail » tailor The girl Bilkerson DOUGLAS FAIRBANKS, JR. — “Dawn Patrol,” “Chances,” “I Like Your Nerve,’ “Union Depot,” French version of “Local Boy Makes Goody “It’s Tough To Be Famous,” “Love Is A Racket.” NANCY CARROLL—‘Wayward,” “Broken Lullaby,” “Personal Maid,” “Night Angel,” “Laughter,” “Follow Thru,” “The Devil’s Holiday.” LILYAN TASHMAN—‘Finn and Hattie,” “Up Pops The Devil,” “Murder By The Clock,” “The Road a an a SCREEN RECORDS ee ee Guy KIBBEE ee re ee Hapgr ALI ee oe ee Ivan Linow See eee Dewey RoBINson Siete hod Be RicHARD ALEXANDER So SS eee ee __...... _ Mar Buscu el ein cay See t LEE KoHLMaAR eae. ALPHONSE ETHIER Se ee ee ee To Reno,” “Girls “The Mad Parade.” SHEILA TERRY — “Week-End Marriage,” “Big City Blues,” “The Crooner.” WALTER WALKER — “Two Against The World,” “Life Begins,” “Blessed Event,” “The Rich Are Always With Us,” “The Mouthpiece,” “Tomorrow and Tomorrow,” “The Common Law,” “Rebounds,” “Reaching For The Moon,” “Paid.” BETTY GILLETTE — “Big City Blues,” “Blessed Event.” About Town,” PRODUCTION STAFF Based on novel “Revolt” by. Adaptation and dialogue by. Directed bye Phétoerapny by met Wirt ee ee Banner Current Publicity Se Mary McCatt, Jr. pas Niven Buscu, Epwin GELSEY AND Douc as FaIRBANKS, JR. SRE AS: Bie a WILLIAM DIETERLE Sr ae ERNEST HALLER Fg ea ee eee ANTON GROT ie ee NicHOLAS KOBLIANSKY CONTENTS Exploitation . ..12, 13, 14 Feature Stories Lobby Frames Program Cuts Review