Secret Service of the Air (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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| a) Now J-2 zooms straight SECR into his most dangerous adventure as he tries to trap an international gang that uses the air to beat the law! a RONALD REAGAN JOHN LITEL-ILA RHODES-JAMES STEPHENSON EDDIE FOY, Jr. Directed by NOEL SMITH Original Screen Play by Raymond Schrock « Based upon Material Compiled by W. H. Moran ExChief of U. S. Secret Service A WARNER BROS. Picture A SECRET SERVICE _ ADVENTURE Vitagroph, Inc. Mat 204 — 91/, inches x 2 cols. (254 lines) — 30c ‘SECRET SERVICE OF THE AIR RON ALD RE AGAN JOHN LITEL ILA RHODES A SECRET SERVICE JAMES STEPHENSON EDDIE FOY, Jr. ADVENTURE AW// Directed by NOEL SMITH = Original Screen Play by Raymond Schrock « Based upon Material Compiled by W H. Moran, Ex-Chief of U. S. Secret Service > A WARNER BROS. Picture Vitagraph, Inc. Mat 208 — 2I/, inches x 2 cols. (70 lines) — 30c [4] THRILLING SECRETS OF THE SECRET SERVICE! WARNER BROS.’ exciting hit RONALD REAGAN ws JOHN LITEL ILA RHODES A SECRET SERVICE James Stephenson Eddie Foy, Jr, Siimasiheit Directed by NOEL SMITH Original Screen Play by Raymond Schrock Based upon Material Compiled by WH. Moran, Ex-Chief of U.S. Secret Service Vitegroph, Inc. Mat 108 4 inches (56 lines) — 15c ~ SECRET — SERVICE OFTHE AIR. with . RONALD REAGAN gs JOHN LITEL ¢ ILA RHODES A SECRET SERVICE JAMES STEPHENSON EDDIE FOY, Jr. ADVENTURE Directed by Noel Smith + Original Screen Play by Raymond Schrock « Based upon Material Compiled by W. H. Moran, Ex-Chief of U.S. Secret Service « A WARNER BROS. Picture Mat 110 31/4, inches (44 lines) — 5c MEET SECRET AGENT J-2 » Join him in the thrills of the recs) Directed by NOEL SMITH « Original Screen Play by Raymond Schrock « Based upon Material Compiled by W H. Moran, Ex-Chief of U. S. Secret Service A WARNER BROS. Picture @ JOHN LITEL ILA RHODES JAMES STEPHENSON EDDIE FOY, Jr. WAR Vitagraph, Inc. A SECRET SERVICE ADVENTURE Mat 205 — 2!/, inches x 2 cols. (70 lines) — 30c