Sergeant Murphy (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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It Has Fun...Thrills...Adventure...and Romance! Cast of Characters Private Dennis Murphy Ronald Reagan Mary Lou Carruthers Mary Maguire Col. Carruthers Donald Crisp Corporal Kane Ben Hendricks Major Gruff William Davidson Sergeant Connors Lieutenant Duncan Emmett Vogan Tracey Lane Edmund Cobb Ellen Clancy Rosella Towne Helen Valkis Sam McDaniels Production Staff B. Reeves Eason William Jacobs Cy Bartlett Ted McCord, A.S.C. Film Editor . James Gibbon Dialogue Director Frank Beckwith Art Director Hugh Reticker Photography by Charles Lang Howard Shoup Country of origin U. S.A. Copyright 1937 Vitagraph, Inc. All rights reserved. Copyright is waived to magazines and newspapers.