Sergeant Murphy (Warner Bros.) (1938)

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ort haircut Re Mz nsformation from pi hood to manhoo d. aL EXPLO Blowup For STILL DISPLAY Make blow-ups of stills SM 409 and 415 showing Maguire and Reagan in a clinch. Display in lobby with this copy: ~ ‘‘He’s in the army, she’s in his arms, and ~ they’re ridin’ high in the month’s most lovable hit. See ‘Sergeant Murphy.’ ” Army Officer In TALK ON HORSES Invite him a few days before opening of picture to give talk on the various activities of his unit, the training processes army horses have to go through, at the same time plugging technical accu\ 3 racy of the picture. . Find Town’s “SARGE” MURPHY Find a “Sergeant Murphy” in town. Also see if the police department or national guard units hasn’t a Sergeant Murphy. In either case get pictures for possible newspaper break. Herald Hot Tip FOR TEASER Insert heralds in small envelopes marked: “‘A sure winner,” or “A hot tip.”’ Distribute rners, in barber Get To Kids With COLORING CONTEST Have artist make sketch of a horse and call him ‘‘Sergeant Murphy.”’ Award free tickets for best entries in color of the horse which has been prepared in outline. Plant with local papers, use as a throwaway, include in programs. Enlist Cooperation of RIDING GROUPS Tie up with horse shows, polo games, and country Local riding academy may be willing to co-op on a fairs with signs, placards, and banners. Horse Show with the winner receiving the Sergeant Murphy Trophy. Invite hunting and riding clubs to see picture. Keep ’Em “Warm” With PRIZE BLANKET Promote horse blankets from local dealer with An nounce that it is a gift from the screen’s greatest picture’s title imprinted in large letters. race horse, and award to winners of various contests suggested in this section. Blanket displayed in lobby before award is made. Use Telephone for “MURPHY DAY Start calling the Murphys in town on the phone. Suggested spiel: “Tomorrow will be ‘Murphy Day’ at the Strand, the picture, ‘Sergeant Murphy’ with Ronald Reagan and Mary Maguire. Every tenth person name d Murphy will be ad mitted free. At the Strand, tomorrow.” es > 4 L a : ¢ P % . f a _ _ _ See _ _ _ _ __.. _ _ se Wi S S \\ Page Five