Shipmates Forever (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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Take ‘Em On A ‘Kiddie Kruise’ Perhaps you'll want a Navy Day in your theatre just for the youngsters. It’s a Navy picture you’re playing, and by handling a special Kid Matinee in cruise style you'll be giving the young ’uns something to word-of-mouth about. Lobby decorations, bally, games, entertainment .. « it’s all explained below. Like to try it? (Publicity Story) Kiddies’ Kruise Will Be Held At Strand Theatre If every child im ...........00..... (name of city) doesn’t decide to go to Annapolis and devote his adult life to service in the Navy, it won’t be the fault of Manager ERs EEE OE ONO Soi sstassr cian Fc aace.s sae Le NOALTE, WER Sorte ts Se ee » who will show the Cosmopolitan Production ‘‘Shipmates Forever,’’ with Dick Powell and Ruby Keeler in the stellar roles at the ...............0.0...00PROSEEO CONS ooo sack, oe ee ,» has arranged a ‘‘ Kiddies’ Kruise’’ in which dozens of youngsters will participate during the engagement. Kiddies from the various dancing schools will appear in the prologue in routines of ‘‘navy’’ dances. A navy costume party will be staged, and a kiddie amateur night will give the talented youngsters a chance to show their stuff. A children’s party, with prizes and ‘‘eats’’ is a feature of the program, but the big event will be a story telling contest lead by ...........ccccccee (names) former navy men, who know hundreds of thrilling stories of adventure on the high seas. KIDS GIVE PROLOGUE On your stage, you can have a kiddie prologue. Dancing school might co-operate by having the youngsters learn a couple of “navy” routines set to music from film. USE NAVY SHORTS To make your program 100% Navy, choose shorts pertaining to the sea to balance this special program. There are several good Vitaphone shorts that'll fit the bill. Ask for ‘em at your exchange. MASQUERADE ON STAGE Another party stunt is a navy costume contest. Children march across stage in their sailor costumes and judges pick best dressed boy and girl and boy and girl with most outlandish costumes. DOORMAN GREETS CHILDREN When the youngsters come over to your theatre for the cruise, your doorman should greet ‘em in naval uniform and manner. He could say: “Ahoy therel Step aboard the S.S. Strand for your Kiddie Kruisel” KIDDIE AMATEUR HOUR If amateur nights are still big, it might be an idea to have an amateur hour for the kids on your Kiddie Kruise. A bunch of youngsters doing their stuff on the stage might be a lot of fun and give the juveniles a tremendous kick. “Page Ten CRUISE TICKET GIVEAWAY REGED SES REESE BEEGE GEEae Eee | BEGG BRS BERER BAER RARER BORE | Get Your TICKET for... : The KIDDIE KRUISE Put on your sailor clothes for AN AFTERNOON OF FUN! F Refreshments R Stories E Prizes E And featuring ee o SHIPMATES FOREVER A COSMOPOLITAN PICTURE with DICK RUBY POWELL KEELER Lewis Stone — Ross Alexander The KIDDIE KRUISE sails from (THEATRE IMPRINT, PLAYDATE & PRICES) This ‘ticket’ can be given to children in your lobby, at school or on the street. Printed as illustrated, on pink stock. Prices including your imprint: Single M $3; 5M — $2.50 per M: 10M — $2 per M. Order direct from: ECONOMY NOVELTY CO. 225 West 39th Street New York City TELL KIDS AT SCHOOL To tell the youngsters about your “cruise,” plaster schools with announcements. Heralds can be tacked on bulletin boards and distributed to the kids as they leave. Remember to tell ‘em that they‘re to come dressed in sailor outifits. NAVY SONGS Kids go strong for singing in a big way. So how about getting together some navy songs for them to yodel? Words of songs could be mimeographed and distributed to the kiddies so that they'll know the words when you play ‘em. If you can persuade a Boy Scout Band to play the music from your stage, great — if not, victrola records over your P.A. system will serve as well. Your Newspaper Ad CHILDREN! Don’t Miss The KIDDIE KRUISE Special entertainment, games, refreshments. CHILDREN! During the showing of SHIPMATES FOREVER A COSMOPOLITAN PICTURE with DICK POWELL at the (THEATRE, PLAYDATE and PRICES) RUBY KEELER NAUTICAL LOBBY You'll want to doll up your lobby a bit to give it a nautical effect. Ship’s bell ringing once in a while, life preservers. tacked on walls, stills of boats will all help. Of course you'll want to dress your ushers as sailors, perhaps telling ‘em to salute the youngsters when they come in, and maybe your carpenter can design a gangplank entrance. GUESSING CONTESTS There are numerous guessing contests in which the kiddies can compete. Identifying types of boats or stills from past pictures, guessing the length of a ball of cord, figuring out the weight of an anchor are just a few of many stunts you could use to keep the youngsters entertained. SAILOR TELLS STORIES If a naval officer or sailor can be found, try to persuade him to give a talk from stage. He might know some swell stories to tell the youngsters, experiences that'll give ‘em some real excitement. CHILDREN’S PARTY | Can you promote some food and candy for party? and some souvenirs for the youngsters to take home. (Ed. Note: Take a look at the novelty sailor hats ... the kids will love ‘em). And there'll be almost no expense for games like apple-ducking, pinning. the tail on the donkey and others.