Show Girl in Hollywood (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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Technicolor Is A Box-Office Word. Use It To Cash In On Technicolor’s Big Ad Campaign! Cut No 23 Cut 60c Mat 15c¢ If anything should happen along that line as she is as an Alice has always liked to design and shape hats, it has been her hobby—a sort of off-screen pastime to counteract her steady acting. In “Show Girl in Hollywood” she has designed all of the hats she wears in the picture, which opens ....... at the Theatre. She would go up to the wardrobe department and have the girl fit a piece of felt on her head; then Alice would give orders as to how it was to be cut and what decoration was to be put on and where it was to go. She did not do the actual sewing, but in one hat, the brown one, she sketched it on paper to give the general idea. One hat has a fitted black felt crown of medium height and a black satin turned-up. brim all around it. The brim comes up almost as high as the crown, so that the crown is only barely shown. Another hat of brown felt has a rounded crown with a wing effect piece on the left side made of the The Girl With the Hot | ALICE WHITE, SCREEN STAR, DESIGNED CHIC HATS SHE WEARS IN “SHOW GIRL IN HOLLYWOOD” By Elsie Pornhagen (FEATURE) so that Alice White could no longer act in pictures, and had to find some other line of work, she could turn to hat designing and maybe become as famous actress. sewed flat at the back on the head and extends a slight way out on the right side. All of the hats are simple, undecorated, and stylish. The black felt has only a bright pin for decoration. Jack Mulhall is featured with Alice in “Show Girl in Hollywood,” which is a First National picture, partly in Technicolor. SONG HIT “Hollywood” is proving one of the most popular songs in “The Rainbow Girl,” the Technicolor picture included in “Show Girl in Hollywood,” the new First National film at the ....Theatre. “Hang On To a Rainbow” and “lve Got My Eye on You” are other song hits which add to the amusement of this romance of the movie metropolis in which Alice White and with JACK MULHALL Blanche Sweet, Ford Sterling and John Mil jan Directed by Mervyn LeRoy Blanche Sweet Sings First Time In Film . (CURRENT READER— VITAPHONE) Blanche Sweet, widely popular screen favorite, is heard singing for the first time in “Show Girl in Hollywood,” First National’s ambitious talking, musical and color version of the J. P. McEvoy best-seller. The picture, now playing at the Theatre, stars Alice White in the title role, with Jack Mulhall featured opposite her and John Miljan, Ford Sterling, Spee O’Donnell, Virginia Sale and other notables in prominent roles. Miss Sweet herself has a powerful dramatic part as a motion picture actress. Mervyn LeRoy directed the picture, which shows the inside of the movie business _even more thoroughly and fearlessly than MceEvoy’s book on which the film is founded disclosed it. COLOR TESTS The 300 chorus girls who take part in the huge musical sequences in “Show Girl in Hollywood,” at the Technicolor-tested before being signed for their parts. Alice White and Jack Mulhall are featured in this First National, picture. AFULLO| Smiling Jack “Show Girl in Hollywood” at the Cut No.15 Cut1r5c Mat 5c Cut No. 20 Cut 4oc Mat roc S| ago. Theatre, had their skins Why shouldn’t Jack Mulhall smile. He’s featured with Alice White in #} queen, :| wood, || players, to try her luck in talking :|in Hollywood” is all about life in the same material. This wing piece is| Jack Mulhall are featured. LOEWS STATE ™::. OIRECTIONWEST COAST THEATRES INC, _|What A Show! What A Picture TWO ENTRANCES Alice White As Gay Dixie Dugan Again Stars On Screen (ADVANCE NEWS— VITAPHONE) “Show Girl in Hollywood,” First National’s sequel to its earlier hit, “Show Girl,” will open here ......... at the Theatre, with Alice White again playing the title role. The adventures of the wise-cracking, delightful Dixie Dugan are taken up in the new Vitaphone version where they left off in the original, which was a silent picture made over a year The earlier story concluded with luM ULHALL Dixie’s success as musical com Now she at ee BLANCHE SWEET along with other Broadway FORD STERLING. JOHN MILJAN Directed by MERVYN LEROY story by < J. P. McEvoy Cut 4oc Mat toc Med —4 movies. As the title suggests, “Show Girl film capital. Not only the studios, but other far-famed features of Hollywood are brought into the picture. J. P. McEvoy wrote both stories, the sequel recently appearing serially in Liberty Magazine The film version is said to follow closely the original. It is timely, and it truthfully portrays, it is said, life in the cinema center since the advent of talkies. Parts of the film are musical sequences and these are filmed in Technicolor. “Hang On To a Rainbow,” “Hollywood” and “I’ve Got My Eyes on You” are among the song hits written for the picture by Green and Stept. Miss White sings several numbers. Another unique feature shows a film being made and later projected in a theatre. Mervyn LeRoy, who directed Miss Hollywood as you’ve never seen it before. More beautiful girls than you ever imagined. Big Scenes in Techni White in “Playing Around,” directed color. Three snappy songs sensations, “Show Girl in Hollywood.” Jack z b . het Mulhall appears opposite Miss White and Alice — better than ever before. as Jimmy Doyle. Blanche Sweet, Ford Sterling, John Miljan, Virginia Sale, Lee Shumway and Herman Bing are in the featured cast. Harvey Thew wrote the film version. With Jack Mulhall as her leading man. _ A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE PICTURE “Vitaphone” is the registered trade mark of the Vitaphone Corp. designating its products Page Nine