Sing Me a Love Song (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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“SING ME A LOVE SONG” EXPROTIALION FOR YOUR ALL-APPEAL SHOW | ‘NUTS’ IN FILM SUGGEST SWELL TIE-UP WITH NUT SHOP A nut store promotion is a natural gag for your show, on the angle that Hugh Herbert is nuts in the picture. Tie up with store selling them, and get a nice window, with copy reading something like this: “Best nuts in town are Hugh Herbert in ‘Sing Me A Love Song’ at the Strand, and Selby’s fresh roasted nuts — for sale here.” Try to get them to make up a throwaway — an envelope with a plug for show on one side and their own plug on the other side, and a sample of their wares inside, of course. Copy might read: ‘“‘Nuts to you, with the compliments of Blanktown’s most popular nuts — Hugh Herbert in ‘Sing Me A Love Song’ and Selby’s fresh roasted nuts!”’ 4 DOUBLE DUTY FOR BALLY GIRL Send out a pretty girl to walk the streets wearing a sign which says: “Sing Me a Love Song at the Strand Tonight.” Same girl appears on your stage that night, and invites the amateur crooners in the audience to step up, one by one, and sing her a love song. Singer who gets the most applause wins a promoted prize, and — if you think it won’t cause any adverse comment — a kiss from the bally girl. If you think it will, have them dance together. VITAPHONE SHORTS “PIGS IS PIGS” (Merrie Melodies Series). A delightful color ‘cartoon loaded with plenty of gags which are sure to hit the right spot. (7 minutes—No. 2205) “REEL VAUDEVILLE” (Big Time Vaudeville Series). Harry Rose as master of ceremonies with a sparkling array of variety talent. (10 minutes—No. 2605) “JOE PALOOKA in THE BLONDE BOMBER” with Robert Norton and Shemp Howard (Broadway Brevity Series). A knockout addition to the Joe Palooka series. (20 minutes—No. 2016) “PORKY THE WRESTLER” (Looney Tune Cartoon Series). A ding dong comedy of mirth and merry making. (7 minutes—No. 2805) “NUT GUILTY” (Vitaphone Novelty Series). Edgar Bergen and his famous dummy ‘Charlie McCarthy’ in a merry melange of comedy capers. (10 minutes—No. 2803) “POETS OF THE ORGAN” (Vitaphone Novelty Series). Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Crawford are aces high in this musical bit. (10 minutes—No. 2405) TIE UP WITH DEPT. STORES With a large department store for the setting of your show, there are all kinds of stunts that can be worked in cooperation with the local department stores. Have the heads see the show at a preview and they’ll be 100% sold. Then get your tie-ups working about a week before show opens, so that the whole town will be SING ME A LOVE SONG conscious by your opening day. Here are suggestions: MUSIC WINDOW You should get as many music windows as there are music and department stores in town. Give them plenty of stills and window cards. And for goodwill, give girls who plug songs at the music counters passes to show. DRESS DISPLAY See if Department stores will give you dress windows, if you provide them with blow-ups of Patricia Ellis. MODEL HOME If there’s a model home on display in the furniture department, get them to plug it as “The Little House That Love Built.”” You might get a furniture window, too, using the song title in the copy. TOY TRAIN PLUG For the toy window — an electric train, with the sides bannered with announcements of your show, would be an effective eye-catcher. LUCKY NUMBER Announce in your co-op ads WHO'S BEST ZASU? ZaSu Pitts has thousands of amateur, as well as professional, imitators, so why not cash in on that with a contest? Hold it on stage after one of the performances, with a previous announcement in your ad. Best ZaSu impersonator Wins a prize. 4 PROVERB CONTEST Offer guest tickets to the folks who send in five proverbs, or lines of poetry, each one beginning with one of the words of the title. Here's your example: SING a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye. ME-lodious birds sing madrigals. A stitch in time saves nine. LOVE me and the world is mine. SONG charms the senses. that the store will give a numbered ticket with each purchase of over one dollar. The lucky number gets a prize from one department of the store. Can work this with all stores in town if you want to. Runners-up get ducats. DUCATS FOR MERIT Award ducats to department store employees whom the heads think merit it by their records — for sales, efficiency, best promotion idea of the week, etc. Should rate a news story. THEATRE PARTIES Arrange theatre parties for groups of department store employees. They’re bound to be interested in picture, so try selling them. And be sure that all employees get heralds. BENEFIT NIGHT Store organization might be interested in selling tickets to raise money for their sickbenefits fund or some other worthy cause. If response is big, turn over house to them for one performance. PLUG SONG TITLE The song title, ““That’s The Least You Can Do For A Lady,” is a perfect catch phrase for merchandising all kinds of feminine articles. If possible get commercial hours to use both song and title . on the air. For example: ‘‘Attention, gentlemen! — Why not buy your best girl a fur coat at Bendel’s. That’s the least you can do for a lady.” (Song follows) . 4 COSMETIC WINDOW Get your biggest local drug store to give you a cosmetic window, with plenty of plugs for the show. For instance: ‘Perfume that whispers ‘Sing Me A Love Song’.”’ Page Five