Singapore Woman (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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From luscious lips that once were the most desired in all Singapore... pours the broken heart of the woman men had to die for! WARNER BROS. First National Picture BRENDA MARSHALL BRUCE VIRGINIA FIELD JEROME COWAN ROSE HOBART Directed by JEAN NEGULESCO «From a Story by Laird Doyle Screen Play by M. Coates Webster and Allen Rivkin ne IF You LOVE YOUR LIFE... THAT WOMAN Mat 208—7!/, inches x 2 columns (202 lines)}—30c Sure, she’s beautiful... but she’s dangerous, too! And if you go too near her, you'll never escape the “Jinx of the Orient”! | BRENDA MARSHALLDAVID BRUCE VIRGINIA FIELD « JEROME COWAN « ROSE HOBART Directed by JEAN NEGULESCO (ID) From a Story by Laird Doyle Screen Play by M. Coates ung Webster and Allen Rivkin A WARNER BROS. Y First National Picture Mat 204—8 inches x 2 columns (224 lines}—30c