Singapore Woman (Warner Bros.) (1941)

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NANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANANAANAANAASSNASSAAS SARA ASANSASA SSA LSA LAS SAAAAASAASAANAASAASASAAASAASAASAAANAAASAASAASANANRAARAARANRAAAAAARAAARARRARRT Y AANNANNANANANS 8 Lucky Man Wins With SINGAPORE WOMAN! A Date If it's word-of-mouth and keyed up interest you Want =. here’s.the stunt. that you, select a young, tall, very attractive and exotic looking girl to be your local "Singapore Woman". Starting week in advance, invite male patrons to participate in a drawing to decide who shall be the lucky man to escort the "Singapore Woman" on a tour of city's gay spots — at no expense, of course. Give It This Day-to-day Build-up!... Do not show face of "Singapore Woman" — keep her identaty seeret.forvextra inter-= est — in any promotion stories or displays. Place 40" x 60" display in lobby announcing contest details. Promote night spot reservations, corsage for "Singapore Woman", car and chauffeur. Arrange for interview on radio from night spot visited. 11 TIE-UP STILLS — $1 Order from Warner Bros, 521 West 44th Street, New York City. De PUD ADE caus autos oa + ake Hat BM Oe sig *ate ae Riding Clothes EM BGO Se sak eaten a sd Jewelry BM 654 soca sae Gruen Watch BM Pub Al’....Bathing Suit BM 498..... Costume Jewelry BM Pub A147.Volupte Compact BM Pub A148.Volupte Compact 532 BM Pub A99....Buick Car and Get newspaper coverage on this, with newspaper sponSorsnip of contest’ if it can be arranged. Run daily teaser stories in cooperating newspaper featuring "Singapore Woman's" idéa’ of what she'd like her "bitnd date” to be. select winner on opening day. Lucky man and "Singapore Woman" attend opening night's performance and then proceed on their” Tour, Still Dept. RCA Victrola Pere rar . Backgammon IDENTIFICATION GAG This one went over BIG when the Journal-American featured it for the 'Meet John Doe' engagement. in'N. .Y./ Cs Here’ it is...etrimmed and adapted for your requirements....Announce that Singapore Woman will be in various sections of town at different times. She'll be distinguished by her somewhat Oriental dress or manner. Contestants recognizing her are to approach her and say, "You're the Singapore Woman!", whereupon they are given passes to Show. Local newspaper carries daily clues to the Singapore Woman's whereabouts. TEASER CAMPAIGN Distribute small colored teaser cards: on street, in“bebby,.vie mailing list and as package inserts. Sample cards WHO IS THE ‘SINGAPORE WOMAN’? Copy for other cards: “YoU CAN'T RESIST THE 'SINGAPORE WOMAN'"s "WHY IS THE 'SINGA-} PORE WOMAN' CALLED 'THE MARKED WOMAN OF THE ORIENT?'"; "MAKE A DATE TO MEET THE "SINGAPORE WOMAN.' ( THEATRE AND PLAYDATE)" ART CONTEST Arrange a competition among local artists for their conception of the Singapore Woman. Contestants can find inspiration in’ the posters ‘and :stills of Brenda Marshall. Announce contest several weeks in advance of playdate in order to insure enough pictures for a lobby exhibit. Art editor of local paper and local profesSional painter act as judges. Prizes promoted from local artist's supply dealer are awarded to winners. ANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN AANA URUUN SANSA SAAN SEESALERSSARASE SAAS SSSA SEN ANNAN NNAAAASSAAASARASAAARANAASAAASERSRARRAASS'