Smashing the Money Ring (Warner Bros.) (1939)

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Smashing through with E X. Don’t Forget Your Jr. Secret Service Club Make A Drive For New Members! Announce Drive |. Contact the youngsters of your Junior Secret Service Club of which Ronald Reagan is commander, via announcements posted in lobby and distributed in schools, boys’ clubs, playgrounds, etc. Award prizes to youngster bringing in most new members. Issue Cards 2. Issue raembership cards to new members [illustrated below). Reverse side of card shows key to secret code. Special announcements written in code are mailed to members of club telling them of intended. ae drive for new members. va This is to certify that OPERATIVE f No. 666 Chief of Jr. Secret Service (FRONT) Membership card same size as shown above is available in mat form to be printed locally with theatre imprint. Order Mat No. 211—30c. Special Shows 3. Conduct special Saturday morning show for club members. Speakers from police and safety bureaus address club. Fingerprint new members under the supervision of local police officials. Issue membership cards at this time. Clab Paper 4. Distribute special issue of club paper (mimeographed) featuring club activities, publicity stories on ''Smashing the Money Ring" and explanation of membership drive contest and prizes to be awarded. Include gossip column edited by youngsters. KEY TO SECRET CODE ae B—t C—d D—k E—b F —a G—l H—o q Jor KK =5y L— s M—c N—z o Ege | Pus y Q—|h aie | S—x T—e L) 7-002 Matcha W—i x— v Y—n Z—u (BACK) Reverse side of membership card could carry ad plugging picture or made up to carry key to secret code as shown above. Use Trailer Copy For Card Throwaways Print up cards with the following copy for throwaways in car windows, doors, street corners etc.; ''See the daring exploits of Operative J2 . . . Now playing at the Strand Theatre . . . See him on an assignment that blazes with danger at every step ... gun battles aboard gambling ships outside the three mile limit . . . clashes with a murderer who strikes in the dark . . . and a thrill-packed trip to the state prison, where J2 falls in with the toughest gang in the big house .. ." VITAPHoOn: TRAILER Secret Code Contest As one shot contest for newspaper or heralds have youngsters decipher a secret message. Award guest tickets to first twenty-five correct solutions. To make it easier give clue that A---d: B--e:C--f: D----g: VPDVKLQJ WKH PROHB VLQJ — WKH LQVLGH VWRUB RI DQ XQGHUFRYHU DFHY GHVSHUDWH DVVLJIQPHQW Decoded message is: Smashing the Money Ring — The inside story of an undercover ace's desperate assignment. _———__— 2d