Snowed Under (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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®& A Mad,Merry Scramble a Of Wives, Ex-Wives, Would-Be Wives and one defenseless a snow bound bungalow miles from the nearest jail! fl tn iy THEATRE 82 Lines Mat No. 112—10c . A BLIZZARD OF BLONDES hits a snowbound hus4 band and 3 starts a land’ slide of laughs! mn yu SNOWED UNDER \ A. First National Picture with GEORGE BRENT GENEVIEVE TOBIN GLENDA FARRELL PATRICIA ELLIS FRANK McHUGH A THEATRE: 85 Lines Mat No. 104—10c ® ADVERTISING @ THE TRAILER Fast paced trailer sells comedy and cast in the usual Warner manner. ’Nuf sed? Sorry we can’t show you the swell clips but here’s sample of the copy: This gentleman is faced with an unusual matrimonial problem. He's got triple trouble! This philandering playwright Snowbound in an isolated farmhouse with two exwives and a sweetheart battling over him. And the sheriff on his trail In "Snowed Under." The season's gayest bed-time story "Snowed Under." It's a merry marry-go-round ! Let these love experts give you the low-down on "How to be happy though divorced"! George (what-a-guy) Brent Genevieve (what-a-girl) Tobin Patricia (young-and-healthy) Ellis Glenda (gimmie gimmie) Farrell Frank (Sweetie pie) McHugh In "Snowed Under" A First National & Vitaphone Hit. Seo oe thet FiveStar Final Word in Daweh Hits! From the Sensational! Serial of “‘Liberty”’ with GEORGE BRENT + GENEVIEVE TOBIN + GLENDA FARRELL apace ELLIS + FRANK McHUGH irst National Picture * hits a snowbound usband and starts 14 Lines Mat No. 113—10c a landslide of laughs! wre ae Ss ORGE BR, N ae T + Geney | Fea to fama ‘en | rum McHUGH « ian pe FLUs EDGE A First National Picture 40 Lines Mat No. ] Fass} Oc 27 Lines Mat No. 114—10c THE FIVE-STAR[ +FINAL WORD ES ge LAUGH HITS! thee ¥ A First National Picture With Taya ea laial@(uLm GLENDA FARRELL * PATRICIA ELLIS FRANK McHUG 54 Lines Mat No. 211—20c Page Seven