So Big (Warner Bros.) (1953)

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An epic of American Womanhood! Based on novel by EDNA FERBER. A Warner Bros. Hit with cast of 25 headed by BETTE DAVIS, -George Brent, Dickie Moore, Hardie Albright. ONE OF THE OUTSTANDING HITS OF A SEASON OF SUCCESSES! STRAND BCS Cut No. 21 Cut 40¢ Mat I0c The kind of, hit that makes the STRAND the most popular theatre in town ! A Warner Bros. Hit directed by William A. Wellman. SO BIG that the critics called it Barbara’s best! Cut No.8 Cut 4oc Mat roc Page Thirteen os Keep Your Campaign NEAT and IMPRESSIVE! BARBARA STANWYCK in the picture you'll always remember ‘‘Cimarron’”’ was Edna Ferber’s Epic Of American Manhood SO: BIG” is: Edna=Ferber’s Epic Of American Womanhood. Dedicated to those women who have loved and lost . but fought every inch of the way. Supported by GEORGE BRENT BETTE DAVIS Dickie Moore Begins Tomorrow STRAND Cut No. 23 Cut aoc Mat roc