Song of the Saddle (Warner Bros.) (1936)

Record Details:

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“SONG OF THE SADDLE” ADVERTISING Watch His Dust ..When He Rides! Watch Your Step..When He Shoots! Watch Your Gal..When He Sings! The screen’s new-west thrill is back again! DICK SADDLE A First National Hit with Chas. Middleton Alma Lloyd e Charles Middleton 4 Edie Shubert Addison Richards « Eddie Shubert =: SECOND ie Shubert ; of the NEW WARNER THEATRE Be 237 Lines Mat No. 301—30c PLS Pees BTN 299° ea ~ af THE SADDLE THEATRE with ALMA LLOYD CHARLES MIDDLETON ...THE SCREEN’S NEWWEST RIDING, SHOOTING AND SINGING SENSATION swings into action as the bad man of the bad lands... to rub out his father’s murderers! FOR MORE! More of his fast a and hard riding! . 120 Lines Mat No. 204—20c par ese of — wary re YOU'LL ROAR HE'S SHOOTIN 0 STARDOM AND AIMIN’ TO PLEASE!.. ‘SONG OF THE SADDLE’ Second of the new WARNER WESTERNS ‘SONG OF THE 4 SADDLE With Alma LloydCharles Middleton A First National Hit With Alma Lloyd Charles Middleton %, Second of the mew Warner Westerns THEATRE 49 Lines Mat No. 105—10c 52 Lines Mat No. 202—20c 88 Lines Mat No. 104—10c Page Two