Song of the Saddle (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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INSERT CARD WINDOW CARD (Note: This window card can be used on all Foran westerns. Space under circle is reserved for title imprint, which must be done locally.) ALS ES SAR LES CAD PRODUCTION 6-SHEET THESE VITAPHONE SHORTS DESERVE MARQUEE BILLING “WILD WINGS” (Pepper Pot Series). Here’s a novelty that will amaze and thrill your most difficult audience. (9 minutes—No. 1808) PHIL HARRIS in “DOUBLE OR NOTHING” (Broadway Brevity Series). Leah Ray’s helping hand makes this one of the season’s top miniature musicals. (21 minutes—No. 1012) “STEEL -AND STONE” (Our United States Series). Milton J. Cross handles the dialogue in another of E. M. Newman’s popular series. (10 minutes—No. 1906) |_OFFICIAL BILLING _| OFFICIAL BILLING ‘SOME CLASS” (Pepper Pot Series). Charles Ahearn and his Hoboes passing out laffs as fast as your audience can take ’em. (11 minutes—No. 1810) “THE CAT CAME BACX” (Merrie Melody Series). Allcolor and all-laff: a sure fire cartoon comedy. (7 minutes—No. 1403) BOB HOPE in ‘tSHOP TALK” (Vitaphone Comedy Series). That wise-cracking Hope guy will panic you with his latest bag of tricks. No. 1110) (22 minutes THE STORY * Back in the pioneering days of the old West, Frank Wilson (Addison Richards) with his young son, Frankie (George Ernest) rides with other adventurers in a ‘‘desert schooner’’ filled with supplies. In the wagon train is Jen Coburn (Bonita Granville) who is the little daughter of Tom Coburn (James Farley) and his wife (Myrtle Steadman). Little Jen hero-worships Frankie, who has an excellent singing voice. When the covered wagon train stops in a frontier town, the older Wilson sells his trader supplies to Phineas P. Hook (Charles Middleton) who with his henchmen, the Bannion Brothers (Eddie Shubert and Monte Montague), has crooked control of the settlement. Hook pays a good price for Wilson’s supplies, but when he starts back to civilization for another load, he is held up and slain by Hook and the Bannions, disguised as Indians. Young Frankie escapes, but recognizes the criminals and swears an earnest boyish vengeance. Fifteen years later, a dare-devil young fellow known only as the “Singing Kid” arrives in the country. This is Frankie, grown to manhood, and played by First National's star, Dick Foran. Jen Coburn grown to womanhood, is still there in the town, the grown up Jen being Alma Lloyd. Frank Wilson, notorious for the fact that he generally sings a song no matter what dare-deviltry he’s up to, begins getting his revenge by holding Page Six up Hook-owned stages. He never takes anything from the passengers; only money or goods belonging to the slayers of his father. As a comedy relief, he is joined by “three musketers,’”’ Curley (Pat West) Little Casino (Vic Potel) and Jose (Julian Rivero). Hook and his henchmen, unable to capture the ‘‘Kid,’’ decide in the end to stage a holdup of a stage, and to disguise themselves so blame will be put on young Wilson. Through clever manipulation by Wilson, both the Bannions are slain by Hook, himself. Finally, Hook is identified as the mailstage robber and, trying to escape, is killed as his stage goes over a cliff. Frank Wilson’s romance with Jen Coburn, meanwhile, has blossomed, so cleared of blame for the robberies, and having turned over all the gold taken from Hook to the United States marshal, Frank and Jen Coburn marry DRC CLON ee tes: Sic rederecs ees Louis King Story and Screen Play by .............6. Me 2 seen eee BO William Jacobs and head for California. ¥ PRODUCTION STAFF | Photography bY ...........2000000Dan Clark Film Editor. .cicc.8...05. Harold MclLernon APE DUT OCCOT Ecos ceca Esdras Hartley Musical Director.........Leo F. Forbstein Music and lyrics by........ M. K. Jerome Seco: whch ec ece e tee meee and Jack Scholl a a SONG OF THE SADDLE 100% with Dick Foran 75% (The Singing Cowboy) Alma Lloyd 30% Charles Middleton 80% Addison Richards 380% Eddie Shubert 30% ae * * Directed by Louis King 20% * * * A First National 40% Productions Corporation 5% Picture 25% THE CAST Frank. Wilson, oS 1¥..5.. i sccesces Dick Foran FED OOOURN cnrrd act ens ceas oe tees Alma Lloyd Phineas P. Hook........ Charles Middleton Frank Wilson, S7....... Addison Richards INFORMATION 3-SHEET PRICES 1-SHEETS each each. each each each each each each each Sasi each each each each each LOBBY DISPLAYS lI1x14 Photos (8 in set—colored) .............. 75¢c a set 22x28 Photos (2 in set—colored) ...80¢ a set ....15¢ each seeeeeeeeerececarnsseeeeseeessesseseoeeensecsesaeactaseseseascasneeas * DICK FORAN $ . ¢ uz pier fete Lone Gf SLIDE BIOGRAPHIES Dick Foran Dick Foran was born in Flemington, N. J., June 18, 1910. After attending Mercerberg Academy and Hunn Preparatory School he entered Princeton University, where he was a star on the football, baseball, lacrosse and ice hockey teams. He was also a member of the Princeton Dramatic and Glee Clubs. After finishing at Princeton he went to work for the Pennsylvania Railway, and was sent to Oalifornia. While there he was given a screen test and a contract, his first picture being “Stand Up and Cheer.” His recent pictures are ‘‘Petrified Forest,’’ ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Moonlight on the Prairie,’ his first starring picture. His current production is ‘‘Song of the Saddle,’ which comes to the WE tes ibereviansies PhesgtTe GON <a vec sinp< soso aren sos Charles Middleton Charles Middleton was born in Elizabethtown, Ky., October 3, 1884. He was educated at Chattanooga, Tenn., after which he turned to the stage. For the past ten years he has been His current picture is ‘Song of the Saddle’ now showing at the .................. Jake. BANNION. ...cccccieovens: Eddie Shubert Simon Bannion............ Monte Montague LACE OBO sis eR Victor Potel ERETOU. Gis a eee Kenneth Harlan MTs CODUPN... ttc sae Myrtle Stedman Frank. Wilson.....::.2..:655.. George Ernest QUO. puro aed Te eae Pat West LOM: COOlrmn ns 2 ee eS James Farley PP OTC isc hc Siac ie Hac o5.0 CT os Bud Osborn playing in pictures. ORO Seren eae rasa ee Julian Rivero BOUT ASR Ac ( oxmeae cai Sarees Bonita Granville J IT CER PEERE EA BELO ENE William Desmond Theatre. Alma Lloyd Alma Lloyd was born in Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 3, 1914, the daughter of the famous director, Frank Lloyd, and Alma Haller, noted on the musical comedy stage. At the age of 18 she started her theatrical work at the Pasadena Community Playhouse. After doing some film work she played for some time in the Massachusetts Stock Company and the New York Theatre Guild. Her recent pictures include “Oliver Twist,” ‘Jimmy and Sally’ and ‘‘Berkeley Square.’’ Now she appears in “Song of the Saddle’ in which she has the feminine lead, which comes to the d Sccasteneeeen setae Wheatre-On... ccestt~.s seine Addison Richards Addison Richards was born in Evansville, Ohio, and was educated at Washington State College. His first theatrical experience was at the Pasadena Community Playhouse where he was both an actor and assistant director. Later he became identified with film work and has-appeared in scores of pictures, his more recent being ‘Frisco Kid,” “Little Big Shot’? and “G Men.” His current production is ‘Song of the Saddle,’ now showing at the SeSoss ceitetencrtanes Theatre.