Sons o Guns (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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& reasons why we | hy we're giv you bots of pis a erial on Sons 0’ Guns 4 1 the fellows who 9¢ 1 she business Gol bigger yhan e joe E. the busines n a stronge! team 3 ¢ y J It gives Brow the big in yearsand dancing again --° 4 i shows Joe singing reason for the success of ‘Bright Lights taken from a 6 Lie This is not famous stag® hit that ran fo tyll sease preg HIROSE ie Aca surneeetees Neyer ES ie Moet wp OP LTA tett-Reee *, oe a mA on EM Re £. acd Riat bm ae Es AEs eas a ll EY BA Pe ae ANN ih es iol