Sons o Guns (Warner Bros.) (1936)

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Idea is to plant above sketch in paper, asking kids for trick treatments — using buttons for eyes and mouth, pieces of cloth for hat, tie, ete. Of course you'll have to tell youngsters to mount sketch on cardboard. Best entries nab ducats. Mat No. 205—20c¢ INITIALS AND YEAR ONLY CLUE IN QUIZ ON PAST BROWN FILMS It’ll take a real Brown fan to figure this one out. Initials of Joe E.’s pictures are given opposite year they were released. You’ll find list below — along with answers. If you think it’s too BROWN QUESTIONS FOR YOUNGSTERS The twenty-five questions below all have to do with persons, things or places associated with the word ‘‘brown.”’ If you don’t want to plant it on Kiddie Page of paper, maybe you’d like it for program contest, giving ducats for first 20 correct answers. 2. Where is Brown University ? es (Providence, R. I.) 3. Who wrote “Tom Brown’s Schooldays?” 3... PRiGmece meat (Thomas Huges) 4. Pen name of Charles Farrar Browne, humorist?.............. Ree ere (4rtemus Ward) 5. In what State is Browns Nope ees (Texas) 6. Where is Brown Derby Restaurant? .......... (Hollywood) 7. Meaning of “a _ brown | 50 a a a See ott eae (Gloomy meditation) 8 What is a Brown Betty?.... ae (Baked pudding) 9. What color is sepia?............ EXPLOITATION Think many kids’ll be able to hit a ball into open mouth pared cee (Flower) of Joe E. as shown above? We don’t, but we think they’ll 12. Which is the Brown Race? _ have fun trying. So if your artist can rig up a canvas sheet, crete eteeeteeeeeeseeneeeeeens (Malay) just set it up in an empty lot and let the kids bat away. 13. What is the brown pe ey Those who succeed win Oakleys, of course. TIA: ae Oa RES aS r 14, What is a Scotch brownie? 24. 25. ANAGRAM PUZZLE who send in correct answers which appear in the solution . Famous jug-song? Famous American movie eee re (Kindly goblin) Who was Henry Kirke Brown? QUIZ FOR YOUNGSTERS ON FACTS ABOUT BROWN’S HISTORY What is ‘Vandyke brown’? . ndeasaesneudh ae (A_ pigment) Here’s another contest for your Brown fans. Questions concern star’s biography, which oughta be familiar territory to many of his young followers. Think it’s worth a dozen ducats for the winners? If so, try spotting it in paper or program. comedian?....(Joe E. Brown) 1 . His newest film? here ieee. GET THEM MAKING eaves ste oe AHO When is it coming to town? At. what theatre will it be shown? 5a Fe lar (Little Brown Jug) What are the St. Louis Browns?...... (Baseball team) In what State was Joe E. Brown born? . In what town? Was he the seventh child? Did he run off at nine? . If so why? What circus picture did he make? ANA YS Yes, it has been done in the past — but you’ve got to admit — with a great deal of success. Theatre announces through newspaper, lobby or screen a contest for best child 7. How many sons has he? 8. How many daughters? Offer tickets to youngsters 9. Did he also adopt a son? 10. Has he a baseball team? ll. What bike picture did he tough as ie ee aa STREET BALLYHOO Cll a: ew aadaitiona hints—1ik e telling ’em FOR YOUNGSTERS plots. Among Brown’s character1930: SOTW—HE—TS—MIL izations have been fighter, 1931: LBMG—BM—ST—GW swimmer, clown, bike rider, 1932: FSMC—TT—YSAM fireman, baseball player, foot1933: ETG—SOAS ball star, soldier, and sailor. All of which suggests contest 1934: AVHG—CC—SDBR ; race : for kids to dress in outfits 2301 ALB) AMND typical of these roles. Youth’s 1986: SOG sport and apparel shops Sapbeiines might want to tie-in with dis 1930: Son of the West Hold Everything Top Speed Maybe It’s Love Local Boy Makes Good Broad Minded Sit Tight Going Wild Fireman Save My Child The Tenderfoot You Said a Mouthful Elmer the Great Son of a Sailor 1931: 1932: 1933: 1934: A Very Honorable Guy Circus Clown Six Day Bike Rider Alibi Ike Bright Lights A Midsummer Night’s Dream 1935: 1936: Sons O’ Guns. plays, ads and prizes. Stunt can be handled in gala manner with parade through town, contest on stage, and award by local celeb. A MUTT PARADE FOR THE CHILDREN The fact that Brown is a lover of pets, especially dogs, suggests a kid mutt parade. Prizes could be offered for dogs that are dressed in the most amusing way. Banners give data about the star and the show. below. Send out the design showing only the word BROWN down and across. With it include the definitions: 1. ‘‘Brown’’ across and down. 2. Horse-riders’ show. 3. More peculiar. 4. Useless plants. 5. Northern people. Another angle is to offer ducats for original word-squares — starting ’em off just by imitators of Joe E. Brown’s famous yell. Stunt has always been good for kid and parent cooperation. BROWN OUTFIT TO BROWN ROOTER having ‘‘Brown’’ across and aes down. Boys’ Furnishing Shop might go for idea of featuring an all-brown outfit. Store announces ensemble as having been inspired by Joe EH. Brown. The approach to the stunt may be through a guessing contest. Sport store may put pile of baseballs in window and boys register names, addresses and their guesses. Naturally, you’ll supply ducats as additional prizes. make? 12. Is he your film favorite? 13. What is his latest picture? 14. Are you going to see it? 15. Where will it show? Answers: 1. Ohio. 2. Holgate. 3. Yes. 4. Yes. 5. To join the circus. 6. Circus Clown. 7. Two. 8. Two. 9. Yes. 10. Yes. 11. Six Day Bike Rider. 12. (?). 13. Sons O Guns. 14. (?). 15. coe eee Theatre). KID HOUR TIE-UPS Maybe kiddie program over local station would go for some of the contests on this page, altered, of course, to fit broadcasts. Or perhaps you’d prefer contacting kids by spotting announcement before and after program. Page Seven