South of Suez (Warner Bros.) (1940)

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a ...where even fearless men are afraid! | Screen Play by Barry Trivers » From a Story by Sheridan Gibney Mat 304—1% inches x 3 columns (75 lines)—45c DANGER IS WHAT THEY at LIVE FOR... souTH -WHERE EVEN FEARLESS MEN ARE AFRAID! ; In a Land Alive With Death... and Diamonds! with GEORGE BRENT BRENDA MARSHALL GEORGE TOBIAS JAMES STEPHENSON A WARNER BROS. LEE PATRICK ERIC BLORE -First National Picture Directed by LEWIS SEILER Screen Play by Barry Trivers W rom a Story by Sheridan Gibney Screen Play by Barry Trivers * From a Story by Sheridan Gibney Mat 209—2% inches x 2 columns (66 lines)—30c Mat 112 3 inches (41 lines)—15c Screen Play by Barry Trivers * From a Story by Sheridan Gibney Mat 109 4°, inches (66 lines)—15c Two Ads on One Mat Mat 113—15c Screen Play by Barry Trivers + From a Story by Sheridan Gibney ein A WARNER BROS. -First National Picture A WARNER BROS. -First National Picture Screen Play by Barry Trivers * From a Story by Sheridan Gibney Screen Play by Borry Trivers * Fromo Story by Sheridan Gibney Mat 210—1% inches x 2 columns (32 lines)—30c WARNER BROS, TRAILER Vitaphone Shorts Selections PATRIOTIC SHORT SUBJECT—IN TECHNICOLOR is “The Flag of Humanity,” sl story of the American Red Cross, 6601 — Technicolor Production — mins. Official Billing WARNER BROS. Pictures, Inc. Presents “SOUTH OF SUEZ” with GEORGE BRENDA GEORGE MELODY MASTERS offers “Joe Reichman and His Orchestra,” top swing band sensation. 6502—Melody Master—10 mins. HOLLYWOOD NOVELTY short is “Shark Hunting.” picturing an exciting expedition with prize-winning archer Howard Hill. 6302 — Hollywood Novelty —10 mins. : BRENT — MARSHALL — TOBIAS JAMES STEPHENSON — LEE PATRICK — ERIC BLORE * * * LOONEY TUNES follows “Sour Puss” Porky on a fishing expedition, but flying fish get the best of him. 6603—Looney Tune—7 mins. Screen Play by Barry Trivers MERRY MELODIES goes in for “Wacky Wildlife” in this mad, uproarious satire on wild life. 6705—Merry Melody—7 mins. From a Story by Sheridan Gibney * * * Directed by LEWIS SEILER * * * There Should Be A Patriotic Short on Every Program --» Book Warners! A Warner Bros.-First National Picture