Spring is Here (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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Alexander Gray And Bternice Claire Are The Best Singing Love Team \On The Talking Screen! NEW TEAM OF SCREEN LOVERS Bernice Claire ~and Alexander Gray In “Spring Is Here” Cut No. 11 Cut 30c. Mat 10¢ Bernice Claire and Alexander Gray Add to Popularity in ‘Spring Is Here,” First National Adaptation of Musical Play (ADVANCE READER) When “Spring is Here,” the First National screen version of the successful musical play of that name, Theatre, days’ en comes to the: .......5.5.: for a gagement, one of the most popular teams of the present. season will ap pear in a story finely suited to their temperaments. This new pair of screen lovers, Bernice Claire and Alexander Gray, have already appeared in “No, No, Nanette” with marked success. They will continue to be featured together for some “time fo come. “Spring is Here” is brought to the sereen with all the charm, romance and comedy that made the stage play one of the most successful of Broadway productions for a full season. Alexander Gray, who gained his first screen honors playing opposite Marilyn Miller -in “Sally,” is Terry, the slow-plodding lover of Betty, the role filled by Miss Claire. : As the story unfolds, it appears that Gray’s impetuous and aggressive rival, played by Lawrence Gray, is in a fair way to capture the interest of the impressionable girl. Various members of Betty’s family, including her young and worldly-wise sister, become involved in the triangular love affair, plausibly developed and enlivened by comedy sequences. The younger sister advises Terry to try to make Betty jealous by making love to every available woman. Terry finds the plan to be completely effective. “Spring is Here” may be classed among the sparkling comedies of oe ONLY THREE HOMES Louise Fazenda, playing the role of Emily Braley, wife and mother, in “Spring is Here,” a First National picture now showing at the Theatre, has lived in only three houses. Born in Lafayette, Indiana, she moved from there before she was old enough to know about it. The first house she remembers was at Seventh and Kohler streets, Los Angeles. When she reached high school age, her family moved to another house near Sunset Boulevard on Alvorado street, still in Los Angeles. After her marriage to Hal Wallis, production manager at First National studios, she moved to her present home out in the Wilshire district. of the same city. Co-Workers Ford Sterling, who plays the part of Peter Braley in “Spring Is Here,” now playing at the Theatre is responsible for the start of Louise Fazenda in pictures. “He introduced her at the old Mack Sennett studio. Miss Fazenda is cast as the wife in “Spring Is Here.” Page Four the season, replete with bright dialogue, convincingly rendered through Vitaphone. Also it has distinctly human qualities in the presentation of the leading characters. John Francis Dillon adds one more to his many notable productions. The cast is finely balanced with Lawrence Gray, Bernice Claire, Alexander Gray, Louise Fazenda, Ford. Sterling, Inez Courtney and Natalie Moorhead appearing to advantage. Obey That Impulse Pa with _ 8stars 7 Song Hits 1000 Laughs with LAWRENCE GRAY ALEXANDER GRAY BERNICE CLAIRE LOUISE FAZENDA FORD STERLING NATALIE MOORHEAD INEZ COURTNEY FRANK ALBERTSON A FIRST NATIONAL & VITAPHONE PICTURE Voice Control “Can you sing?” was the first question put to Frank Albertson, playing the role of Stacy Hayden in “Spring Is Here,” coming to the Theatre next week. “I never have, but I guess I ean,” he replied. And he was given two songs, which are said to be the hits of the show. BIOG:RAPHIES si: PLAYERS ~ | eens eee GREY KNEW ‘WHAT HE|NATALIE MOORHEAD STARTED AS MANAGER WANTED ‘TO BE (NEWS BIOCG’ RAPHY) Alexander Gray, lading man in “Spring is Here,” re ceived his initial leac Marilyn Miller in Z of “Salk born in Wrightsville, break as ling man _ for iiegfeld’s stage production ae Gray was Pa., and as a boy lived in Baltimi dre and Phila ttended school. . State College agineering, and delphia, where he a He enrolled at Penn taking a course in e was graduated witli honors. He had been active in ¢ tlee club work, so decided to study singing. Dur ing a convention of musicians and voice teachers in Li 3s Angeles, he won a national cont est for American-trained singers a nd a prize that enabled him to conti nue his studies. Gray had drifted through many jobs in his adventure 3; after leaving college and was editor of “Iron Age,” a technical n iagazine, when he won the prize. \WVhile studying, he became advertisi ig manager for the Diamond True] « company in Chicago. Satisfied with his training he went to New York and camped on Ziegfeld’s offic. 3 steps until he got a tryout which | led to a job in the Midnight Frolic: on the New Amsterdam Roof. ‘Then he went into the Follies. Whe n Miss Miller’s leading man left the show, “Sally,” in Philadelphia, Gra y got the assignment although hc? knew little of dramatie technique apart from singing. / Later he sang in ‘ ‘Tell Me More,” with Mitzi in “Nau ghty Marietta,” and with Joe E. Bro wn in “Twinkle, Twinkle.” He sang a season in the original New York company of “The Desert Song,” wy: panetmoen in the Chicago company, establishing a record. When Miss Mille was signed for First National’s all.eolor version of “Sally,” she asked for Gray as her eading man, Gray yemained when the actress returneqd to Lsroadway ind hecame one Of the studiv’s most prominent SiNgers, He has appeared in “Show of Shows,” “No, No, Nanette,” “Song of the Flame” and now in “Spring ig Here.” Ford Sterling Found In Musica] Comedy (NEWS BIOGRAPHY) Ford Sterling, owey his first opportunity in pictures to Bobby North, supervisor of “Spring is Here,” the First National musical play to be seen at the ...-.-4...... Theatre. Sterling has a leading yole in this production. { : Some years ago, Nord was a comedian in a Broadway show in which he had attracted no |particular attention. North, howevey, was convinced that he had the makings of a screen comedian and signed him up for a series of pictures boing made by a firm known as Gorgon and North. Mack Sennett also Was impressed by the comedian’s potentialities, offered him a chance in Biograph pictures, then being made in! the Bronx. After the first fev, 4]ms there was no further question é bout Ford’s suitability and arrangements were made for him to go to thé Coast where his work during the slapstick era placed him on a par with the best in the field. Since that time he has brought laughs to many featyre productions. Love Is In The Air! w Cut No.17 Cub 2o¢ Mat 5c STRAND — SOON HAD HER OWN WAY (NEWS BIOGRAPHY) Natalie Moorhead goodly that of actresses who is in company ran away from home to go on the stage. She happened to be in New York and being a decisive and inshe wired her mother in Pittsburgh, Pa., that she had enrolled in the Sargent Dramatic School. choice -of a career dependent person, Parental opposition to her was short-lived for it was recognized that Natalie, being an entirely up-to-date young woman, probably would do as she pleased anyway. Miss Moorhead’s first professional engagement was as a member of a stock company in Plainfield, N. J., where she played Rebecca in “ReAfter additional experience with a stock becea of Sunnybrook Farm.” company in Trenton, N. J., Miss Moorhead really arrived, theatrically speaking, as the leading lady in “The Baby Cyclone.” She toured the country in this play. While on the Coast, Miss Moorhead attracted the attention of Daryl Zanuck of Warner Brothers who figured that she was just the right type for the screen. After test pictures had been made at the! First National Studios, Miss Moorhead was east in “Spring is Here,” the First National picture soon to be seen at Theatre. ORK ASEX TRA GAVE ALBERTSON A START (NEWS BIOGRAPHY) Frank Albertson was born in Fergus Falls, Minn.; then moved to Peyallup, Wash. when he was six years old, later going with his parents to Oakland, Calif., and finally to Hollywood where he attended the Hollywood High School. After being graduated from school, he found work in a laboratory of the Paramount Coast Studios. He soon showed an artistic talent which resulted in his employment in BECAME AN ACTOR (NEWS BIOGRAPHY) Lawrence Gray was determined to stay in motion pictures, so he became an actor. It happened that Lawrence was working as a production superintendent and manager at the Long Island Studios of FamousPlayers the studios were closed down and the young executive found himself out of a job. Instead of quitting the game entirely, he hopped a train for Los Angeles and old himself as an actor so successfully, that he was cast as leading man for Betty Bronson in “Are Parents People?” directed by Mal St. Claire. His next two pictures were with Gloria Swanson in “Stage Struck” and “The Untamed Lady.” Gray has, at one time or another, been cast to support many of the leading feminine stars. when He scored a big hit in “Marianne” starring Marion Davies. In “Spring is Here,” a First National picture, based on a popular stage play, he has a character rich in opportunities. Bernice Claire, | Alexander Gray, Louise Fazenda, Ford Sterling, Inez Courtney and other well-known players are in the cast. LOUISE FAZENDA SHOWED COMEDY . TALENT EARLY” (NEWS BIOGRAPHY) Louise Fazenda Lafayette, Ind. The family moved to Los Angeles, Calif.,. when she was two -months old and she has been a resident of that city ever since, was born = in: She is of Dutch and Spanish descent. Louise was educated at St. Mary’s Academy, Marie Prevost being one of her schoolmates. At the Los Angeles High School, Carmel Myers and Bessie Love were fellow the art department at the United , students. Artists Studios. After he had sized Even at that time, Louise maniup the situation, Albertson decided | fested an aptitude for acting and that there was more money to be|during her last school year, sneaked made in the acting end of pictures. | off in the afternoons to play minor He tried himself out as anjroles in Keystone comedies. These “extra” in a number of productions |engagements, however, were infrebeing made by the leading com-| quent and there came a day when panies, finally getting a “bit” part| Louise felt the need for earning under the direction of David Butler.| money to strengthen the family inSince then, his rise has been rapid|come. She succeeded in getting a in pictures such as “Blue Skies,”| more important role which she “Salute,” “Words and Music,” “Son|handled with conspicuous ability. of the Gods” and finally “Spring is| Ford Sterling and Mack Sennett Here,” the First National picture|bhoth came to realize her unusual now on view at the talent for comedy expression and of Theatre. recent yrars, others have come to a similar recognition with the re . sult that Louise Fazenda is in con stant demand. Inez Courtney On “Gold Diggers of Broadway,” “On Stage At Fifteen With the Show,” “Loose Ankles,” : “No, No, Nanette” and “The Desert (NEWS BIOGRAPHY) Song” are among the comparatively Inez Courtney made her first |recent pictures in which Louise approfessional debut in a vaudeville | pears to advantage. She has an imact called “Youthful Frolics.” At|portant role in “Spring is Here,” that time she was only fifteen years |the First National production of the of age, but determined to score a|popular stage play. with Lawrence success on the stage. Gray, Bernice Claire and Alexander Later, in the chorus’ of “Snap-|Gray in the featured parts. shots,” she developed a_ specialty dance, also an act with her sister. Miss Courtney’s attractive stage presence and evident ability attracted the attention of musical comedy producers with the result that she was given one of the leads in “Good News.” _ Her next part was in the original stage production of “Spring is Here,” the same part she now plays in the First National version of the popular musical Lovers R in Season play. Cut No.17 Cut 20c Mat 5c She is a gifted comedienne whose personality registers well on the STRAND — SOON screen.