Spring is Here (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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Page Your Public With These Song Hits Sell “Spring Is Here” With Song-Selling Balloons VICTOR RECORDINGS :— Record No. 21923 **Yours Sincerely” and “‘With a Song in My Heart” LEO REISMAN & ORCHESTRA Record No. 22272 *Cryin’ For the Carolines”’ and “‘Have a Little Faith in Me” FRED WARING & HIS PENNSYLVANIANS Record No. 22273 **Have a Little Faith in Me”’ (Vocal) By JOHNNY MARVIN Cryin For The Carolines Have a Little Faith in Me BRUNSWICK RECORDINGS :— Record No. 4364 “Yours Sincerely” AL GOODMAN & ORCHESTRA Record No. 4522 “With a Song in My Heart” BILTMORE TRIO Record No. 4665 **Cryin’ For the Carolines’”’ and **Have a Little Faith in Me” BEN BERNIE & HIS ORCHESTRA Balloons! Balloons! Bright balloons — great for lobby decoration — souvenirs for children’s matinees—to shower from buildings — or from airplane—and tieup window trim. Made of number one quality rubber, inflating | to nine and ten inches; | COLUMBIA RECORDINGS :— come in gold, silver and Record No. 2062D assorted gay colors. ““Cryin’ For the Carolines”’ and: **Have a Little Faith in Me” GUY LOMBARDO & HIS ROYAL CANADIANS Record No. 2073D ) ““Cryin’ For the Carolines” Sung by RUTH ETTING Price to exhibitors Fifteen Dollars Per Thousand BRILLIANT SONG TIEUP POSTER DISPLAY Made of heavy cardboard stock, size 16 x 22, four colors in screen stencil process, easel back. PRICE 50 CENTS EACH. ORDER DIRECT FROM S. A. SERWER, 321 W. 44th St., NEW YORK, or your First National Exchange. Order Direct from S. A. SERWER Music Publicity Dept. 321 West 44th Street New York, N. Y. PATHE have recorded “Yours Sincerely” and “With} a Song in My Heart” by Larry Rick & His Friends. (Record No. 37011) PERFECT RECORD No. 15192 — Same coupling and talent as above. ; Musical Comedy’s Most} REGAL Record No. 8798—‘“With a Song in My Heart” Famous ‘Sister’? Trio by Frank Leithner & His Orchestra. Vocalize Hit Number | DOMINO Record No. 4352 and BANNER No. 6422— In “Spring Is Here’’ Same as above. Ag ORIOLE Record No. 1603 and JEWEL No. 5629 — “With a Song in My Heart”? by Deane Smith & His Band. Broadway, as have so many others of that famous street, and have gone CAMEO Record No. 9213 and ROMEO No. 1015 — “With a Song in My Heart’? by Broadway Broadcasters. CLEVER EXPLOITATION POST-CARD This is a most effective tieup unit. May be used for patrons to mail to friends from lobby —hotel mail boxes—music dealers to send to patrons—or general distribution. Regulation postal size— colors blue and red on white coated stock. On reverse side place for address—and message of picture and songs, printed in script. Price $3.00 per 1000. Order direct from S. A. SERWER, Music Publicity Dept., 321 West 44th St., New York, N. Y., or your First National Exchange. The Brox Sisters, former musical comedy “sister” act, have deserted over to the ranks of the ever-growing The Brox sisters display their talents in the new First National and Vitaphone} MUSIC ROLLS—Q.R.S.WORD ROLLS ave recorded ie babies i a aie is Ya —‘‘Cryin’ For the Carolines” No. 4857 is ‘coming tothe x. 0s 32Theatre at a . ‘ ‘Have a Little Faith in Me’”’ No. 4856 Gi 1 cae Ceeiere amen: The Brox Sisters Hollywood film colony. sing the already extremely popular “Cryin’ For The Carolines” to which melody people have been dancing and THIS 3-COLOR STREAMER IS OFFERED FREE EXPLOITATION AIDS OFFERED BY THE PUBLISHERS | singing these past few weeks. The Brox Sisters are only one example of the many of those who have caused Broadway to look deserted as far as talent is concerned. In the east of “Spring Is Here” there are numerous emigres from Broadway, Alexander particularly the stars, Gray and Bernice Claire. Alexander Gray was Marilyn Miller’s leading man in the stage production of “Sally” as well as in First National’s Vitaphone production of the same musical comedy. Gray was also in the “Desert Song.” came from Oakland, California to Bernice Claire meet Mme. Jeritza and stayed to play in “The Chocolate Soldier” and to understudy the lead in “The Desert Song.” An illness of the feminine lead gave Miss Claire her opportunity and she made good. Thereafter success on Broadway was the order of the day for Bernice Claire. Since her Broadway successes and a successful screen and voice test Miss Claire has been a First National star and the feminine lead in “Spring Is Here” is the latest of her starring roles. Remick Music Corp. and Harms, Inc., publishers of “Spring Is Here” gratuitously— STREAMERS — TITLE PAGES in reasonable quantities for music window tieups and lobby display—also PROFESSIONAL COPIES — ORCHESTRATIONS for organist and orchestra for the exploitation of ‘Spring Is Here” before coming of picture—and —local radio station and dance orchestras that will cooperate on your “Spring Is Here’’ engagement. songs offer exhibitors All dealers will be supplied in advance with material. Exhibitors should get in touch with local song dealers and arrange cooperation in boosting songs and the picture. WRITE DIRECT TO PUBLISHERS OR NEAREST BRANCH Order this splendid tieup display unit direct from ~ MUSIC PUBLICITY DEPT., 321 W. 44th St.. NEW YORK FREE SONG SLIDES For Community Singing and Organ Solos of ““Cryin’ for the Carolines”’ and **Have a Little Faith in Me”’ Write to CLIFF HESS, Special Service Mgr., REMICK MUSIC Corp., 219 W. 46th St., New York