Star Witness (Warner Bros.) (1931)

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e Eight BANG! An Open Letter to District Attorney C RAT iy ° Police Commissioner MU LROONEY: This is not a publicity stunt. It is not our idea to capitalize on one of the most unfortunate incidents that has happened to New York and America. ‘But because we, too, are aroused and appalled by the wholesale slaughter of little children WE ARE READY TO PLACE IN YOUR HANDS, AND ARE FORCING AHEAD THE SHOWING OF THE PICTURE, “THE STAR WITNESS”, WHICH, IN ~ OUR ESTIMATION, IS THE GREATEST INSTRUMENT FOR PUBLIC GOOD THAT HAS EVER BEEN DEVISED! Months ago we foresaw this last terrible happening. Months ago we put our hearts and our hands to the task of finding some means of coping with the dread forces of the Invisible Empire to which our Nation has apparently capitulated — And so we made THE STAR WITNESS — our answer —~ YOUR ANSWER — America’s answer — to its greatest menace—to the ever present peril of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. We devoted a considerable sum to make this picture when we could have made a romantic picture according to established formula. — In THE STAR WITNESS we have a picture that will expose to every citizen just (Cuts and mats are NOT available on this ad. You can adapt its contents for your use and have your newspaper set it th type) Crack out of the box! The first smashing ad. (same size as above) brought New York to the realization that “The Star Witness” was more than dramatic entertainment —a picture every American MUST see ! what is happening — just why the police are powerless to combat it— just why respectable eye witnesses to crime refuse to testify! We are donating the opening night’s (Monday, August 3rd at the Winter Garden Theatre, Broadway and 50th Street) proceeds to the families of these children. We know, however, that money cannot repay them for their losses, but because their plight is so great and their financial position possibly so limited that we should like to have them share with us some of the visible good that may come of such an enterprise. MR. CRAIN AND MR. MULROONEY— WE FORESAW THIS TERRIBLE HAPPENING —WE UNDERSTOOD YOUR PROBLEMS AS “THE STAR WITNESS” WILL SHOW—WE OFFER IT TO YOU AS YOUR ANSWER — AMERICA’S THUNDERING ANSWER TO ITS GREATEST MENACE — WE OFFER IT TO YOU AS AN INSTRUMENT THAT WILL HELP YOU —THE NATION — THE REPUBLIC — TO ONCE AND FOR ALL TIME SOLVE THE TREMENDOUS PROBLEM OF STAMPING OUT GANGSTERS AND THEIR ILLICIT BREED. Very truly yours, THE MANAGEMENT Winter Garden Theatre