Stars over Broadway (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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but we just couldn't resist the fore-finger method of calling your attention to these important sales angles for your campaign on "STARS OVER BROADWAY.” The same man who co-authored “Twenty Million Sweethearts” is __ responsible for much of the gaiety, ~~ sparkle and action which so distin guishes this film. And like “Sweet hearts” this show has a strong lineup of screen and radio fan-favorites. James Melton and Jane Froman, whose combined followers run into the millions, make their screen debut. When you see ‘Stars Over Broadway’ you'll agree that James Melton is going places. He’s got a million dollar personality to match the voice that’s made him aces on the air waves. Warren and Dubin in light of their past successes have definitely joined the great composer ranks. They've clicked again with hit tunes for this picture which have already been air-plug ged over the national networks for a four week advance-of-release build-up. Melton sings these as well as a few famous operatic arias, currently so popular. In addition, film boasts the funniest amateur hour ever screamed at.