Stars over Broadway (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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lilimotIwttCUy iMNDtiIwinti ninininininnminiiMi£,ONtx "n,n EXPERTS OF TRADE PRESS rtiiMtvOOUNCi ii imwiIitiiviOiiiViiinmninitiiriii iii iu it MELTON TO YOUR PUBLIC wii: iin wwtCOCTCCl_“_“_(_* _ _ ‘(*_ii iin tin } 1 Fite Gt, SA Hot, How I Would Introduce James. Melton (AROUND THE THEA TRE) by EPES W. SARGENT Exploitation Editor of Variety ~ Ideas, well planned and executed around the theatre can do almost as much to popularize a star as a newspaper or ballyhoo campaign. I’ve listed some ideas below which may be adapted to local use. I realize that not all will go in your situation, but it is hoped that they will cue your theatre campaign. 1. Well in advance of film’s opening, I’d place a large blow-up of Melton in a singing pose in my lobby. Behind the enlargement I’d have a small victrola playing records of Melton singing the song hits from the film. 2. Most people like something for nothing, so I’d announce that we’re having a free concert by James Melton in lobby. On the night of his Palmolive broadcast, I’d place a number of seats in the lobby and invite the passers-by and patrons to sit and listen to this broadcast. If possible, Pd promote tea and cookies to make a real party out of it. is 3. Id order a good supply of imitation autographed photos and hand them out with | heralds well in advance of opening. ee 4. An usher and a victrola are all you need to have an All-Request James Melton Program of ' Recordings. List of all the James Melton records you can possibly get is posted in lobby, and patrons are invited to request songs they want to hear. Upon doing so, usher plays the asked for record. 5. A novel teaser campaign can be worked effectively in the lobby, by the use of a microphone, a radio, and a victrola playing a Melton record. Signs tease patrons with copy on “the new singing sensation soon to be seen at this theatre,” ete. 6. In the lobby or via P.A. system, I’d have a voice-guessing contest. All that is necessary is an usher to play recordings of many popular vocalists. Listeners are asked to identify the voice of Melton. 7. For an inexpensive stunt I’d rig up a bulletin board front on which I’d post press clippings and photographs on James Melton. Clippings from the press book are ideal for this purpose. Caption on this material should be “NEWS ABOUT A NEW STAR!” 8. Id make up a display labeled “The Hall of Fame,” in which I’d place all the famous film stars who’ve played at my theatre. In the center of the display, ’'d have a big photo of James Melton, with copy, “‘4 New Star Joins the Strand Hall of Fame.” Might devote one wall of lobby to the idea. 9. I'd welcome James Melton to my theatre with all the angles I’ve ever used on a ‘Welcome’ campaign before. Signs, a floral wreath and a key to the city, etc. 10. Before the trailer goes on, it might prove effective to drop a tremendous transparency in front of curtain. House is darkened when display is lowered, only lights being behind transparency. For this display, a head of James Melton with copy reading “James Melton — The New Singing Star” will do the trick. 11. It might be possible to arrange a song-guessing contest from stage, playing a number of Melton’s most popular songs, and asking audience to guess titles of each melody as it is played. 12. To interest the fashionable young men, I’d arrange a display of clothing in lobby, under headline, “What James Melton Advises the W ell-dressed Man to Wear.” I'd include actual clothing, shoes, and haberdashery, promoting it from dealers, who receive a credit line in return. If the idea went over well enough, I'd arrange to change the display daily, devoting one day to sport clothing, one day to business wear, another to evening clothes, etc. 13. Id even use the old stunt of having a giant postcard in my lobby, addressed to James Melton, telling him that the film fans of the town think he will be a great star, etc. Patrons are invited to sign it. 14. I'd play James Melton records as exit marches, with an announcement, breaking in over P. A. system, something like this: “Ladies and Gentlemen: May I have your attention for just a moment. You are now listening to the voice of James Melton, a new singing star soon to be seen at this theatre.” How I Would Introduce James Melton (VIA NEWSPAPER AND RADIO) by ‘CHICK’ LEWIS Publisher, Showman’s Trade Rovio ————— I consider newspapers and radio the two best mediums for introducing a new star to the movie-going public. If it were my job to tell the town about James Melton, following are a number of the ideas I would put to work .... or try to, anyway. No doubt, you have many ideas on the subject yourself, so let the following items act as suggestions to be supplemented by your own angles. I. No need telling you that James Melton is one of the most popular radio artists. [’'d send a double-barrel barrage of publicity to all radio editors — this, of course, in addition to releases to movie editors. 2. A few weeks in advance of film’s opening, I’d plant a scene cut of Melton in a cooperating paper, and ask fans to tell who this new star is, awarding passes for the first ten correct answers. 3. Id utilize the personal columns of papers with a plant along these lines: “James Melton: [ve thrilled to your voice on the radio so often, I can’t wait to actually see you in your new film. Alice.” 4. Id contact merchants in an attempt to secure a cooperative ad, using James Melton stills for illustrations of the various men’s fashions. 5. There are autographed photos of James Melton available. I'd secure a good supply of them, numbered successively, and hand them out. Then through a tie-up with a newspaper, I’d insert an ad in the ‘Lost and Found’ like this: | “Lost: Autographed phoios of James Melton, with | the following numbers. (List numbers) Finders ( will be awarded two tickets each for (name of film, etc.).” Newspaper cooperates with ads and |, publicity stories. : 6. Should local paper be looking for a | suggestion to plug their ‘Classified Ads.’ [’'d sug7 gest that they scatter James Melton’s name through that section, awarding passes to first ten finding all the names. 7. Most papers have Kiddie Klubs of one sort or another. Id try getting them to make —£. James Melton an honorary member. $. If there’s a paper in town having a Horoscope Department, I'd have person in charge give James Melton’s horoscope. 9. For another way to crash the papers, He EUS I'd contact the cooking editor and ask her to make up a recipe for James Melton’s favorite dish. Or if she’s willing, a contest on “What Type of Dinner I'd Prepare if James Melton were Coming to My House.” 10. Front page underliners, using teaser copy about the new star. 11. Id go big on radio ideas, starting with spot announcements before and after his weekly program. 12. James Melton is on the Palmolive Soap program. This offers a possibility for ad and window tie-ups with local distributor. 13. If radio station is looking for idea for morning and afternoon broadcasts, I’d try selling them on playing fifteen minutes of Melton records, with announcements between each number about Melton. 14. Think you can land a radio contest? If so, have station ask listeners for an expression that can be used to describe Melton, awarding passes for best ten. Something like Vallee — “The Vagabond Lover”; Whiteman — “The King of Jazz,” etc. 15. If there’s an amateur hour running, suggest that a part of program be devoted to a James Melton impersonation contest. 16. Sell news commentator on the idea of mentioning the arrival of the new James Melton picture. His angle is that another radio star goes Hollywood. 17. I'd try getting vocalists to plug the songs that Melton features in the film. Of course they credit Melton. 18. If a big opening is planned, I'd get after radio station to broadcast opening ceremonies, announcer describing the crowds, introducing celebs who tell how much they are looking forward to seeing the new singing star. 19. During the run of the film, suggest that station play a chorus of one of Melton’s recordings of a song from the film. At end of chorus have announcer break in with a short newsy talk about Melton. Page Five