Sweet Kitty Bellairs (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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| Claud@/a Dell featured in "Sweet Kitty Bellairs" A warner Bros. Production Warner Bros. Present “SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS,” an All-Talking, Singing Picture in Natural Colors 3 BRILLIANT NATURAL COLOR VERSION OF THE BELASCO STAGE SENSATION Production No. 1—Cut or Mat A WARNER BROS. AND VITAPHONE PICTURE IN TECHNICOLOR WARNER BROS. PRESENT SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS “FP IM6 sa 18th Century Place England ao A SF Sweet Kitty Bellairs__..______. CLAUDIA DELL Sir Jasper Standish. ERNEST TORRENCE Tora F erney WALTER PIDGEON Cartan O fara 2 PERRY ASKAM pia oltandish NE -COLLYER Careers iene. LIONEL BELMORE Captain Specer_ ARTHUR E. CAREW ee FLORA FINCH POH SAR OPA ks DOUGLAS GERRARD Vg _...CHRISTIANE YVES FROM THE STAGE PLAY BY Davin BELAsco BASED ON THE NOVEL BY EGERTON CASTLE SCREEN ADAPTATION BY J. Gruss ALEXANDER DIRECTED BY ALFRED E. GREEN ALL IN NATURAL COLORS SONGS BY Boppy DoLAN AND WALTER O’KEFFE > THE STORY On a night toward the end of the 18th century, the coach bound for Bath, carries gouty Lord Villiers, young Lord Verney, a maid named Lydia, and the famous flirt, known as “Sweet Kitty Bellairs.” The latter is bound to visit her sister Julia, wife of Sir Jasper Standish. The eoach is suddenly held up, while everybody is robbed. The gallant highwayman, however, returns all Kitty’s valuables, throwing in kisses and embraces for good measure. Kitty captures all Bath. She is courted by the doubty Captain O’Hara, receives a burning poem from shy Lord Verney, and a pledge from the mysterious highwayman. Sir Jasper Standish is neglecting Julia and Kitty helps her sister to make him jealous. On coming home late and tipsy, he finds his wife in splendid attire and at once suspects her of infidelity. Verney, coming to see Kitty, is so ardently greeted by Julia, that Standish at once thinks him the culprit and challenges him to a duel. The duel is a fiasco. Sir Jasper, finding the highwayman’s note, next believes him guilty. He mistrusts everyone, except Verney, and decides to go to him and apologize. Once there, he finds his wife and Julia have arrived. He sees a woman’s slipper outside a curtained bed, and believes it to be Julia’s until Kitty steps out. She explains matters. To save her name, Lord Verney says she is to be his wife. He later weakly suggests that they marry and live apart. O’Hara, who has been a guest, now leaves in apparent dudgeon. The next night the highwayman arrives, kidnaps Kitty, and then unmasks and reveals himself as O’Hara. They take the coach, which is again held up. O’Hara fights with a masked stranger, who wins, and at once claims Kitty. Her latest champion is Lord Verney, who had only feigned timidity. They gayly proceed toward London. (Advance) DIRECTS “DISRAELI,”’ GETS TO DO “SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS”’ Alfred E. Green the director who made the finest talking picture of the past year, filmed and recorded “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Brothers and Vitaphone romantic comedy in Technicolor which comes to the Theatre next. “Disraeli”? was voted the _ best picture of the current season, by a national poll conducted by a leading trade publication. Mr. Green also directed recently “The Man from Blankley’s” starring John Barrymore and “The Green Goddess” starring George Arliss. “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” is a natural eolor picturization of love and life in England during the eighteenth century. Claudia Dell, Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam, June Oollyer and others make up the all star cast. The picture is based on the David Belasco stage play which was inspired by the novel by Egerton eee eee eee AUUGALIOG 2. ceca vae Castle. (Advance) ‘““Sweet Kitty Bellairs’’ of the Theatre announces ..... next as the opening date for “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,”. the Warnef Bros. talking, singing, natural color screen version of the famous Belasco hit. The cast. includes Claudia Dell, Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam, June Collyer and others. Alfred E. Green directed. WALTER PIDGEON CLAUDIA DELL Scene from” Sweet itty Belairs” A Warner Bros Kissy ction, COQUETTE OF COQUETTES at last is taken by storm by the highwayman. Production No. 2—Cut or Mat (Advance) World’s Most Amazing Flirt Lives Again In Natural Color Film The world’s most alluring flirt as portrayed by Claudia Dell in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone romantic comedy in technicolor which comes to the ..... TUROBLEO: vents amazingly believable. cee eee It is the Kitty who wore her heart on her sleeve and treated men’s love of little moment—the Kitty of the shy and fleeting smile—the Kitty that half of London and all of Bath fought over—the Kitty who made coquetry an exquisite pastime—a fine art—not only to be practiced recklessly by herself, but by all womankind. “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” sonia the story of this lovely juggler of men’s hearts in lavish settings filmed entirely in natural colors. The cast includes Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam, June Collyer, Lionel Belmore and many others. The story, which takes place in England during the latter part of the eighteenth century, is adapted from the stage play by ~ David Belasco, which was inspired by movel of Egerton Castle. J. Grubb Alexander wrote the scenario. Alfred EK. Green directed. (Advance) ‘Sweet Kitty Bellairs’’ Lesson For Flirts All ladies who harbor a desire to be a devastating influence among men should see “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,”’ the Warner Bros. and Vita phone, singing, natural color romance which comes to the ........ (Phea tres Seen, next. Claudia Dell, Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam and June Collyer are in the cast. Alfred E. Green directed. |*“*Sweet Kitty” (Advance) “Sweet Kitty Bellairs’’ Belasco Stage Hit, Thrills on Screen Famous flirts of history, celebrated =| for the conquests of man through out the ages, fall into the amateur class in comparison to Kitty Bellairs, as portrayed by Claudia Dell, in Warner Brothers and Vitaphone :| Technicolor romantic comedy “Sweet Kitty Bellairs’ which comes to the Se Pneatre 2.4 | 1 = ext, Madame Du Barry, Pompadour, Cleopatra, Helen of Troy and other ladies gentlemen have preferred could have improved their technique had they taken a post graduate course from Kitty Bellairs. In this eighteenth century English story Kitty apparently wears her heart on her sleeve, Her astonishing beauty, and delicate charm, turn the heads of every man who sees her and her wiliness is only over :| shadowed by her wit. Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam and June Collyer also have prominent roles in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” which is adapted for the screen from the David Belasco stage hit which was based on the novel by Edgerton Castle. The many catchy songs in the picture were written by Walter | O’Keefe and Bobby Dolan. ‘Alfred E. Green directed. (Advance) Comes As Singing Color-Film With Great Cast A versatile cast, all of whom possess the combined talents of acting and singing, makeup the all star list of players in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” Warner Brothers Technicolor talking, singing romantic comedy ~ of eightenth century England which opens: at thee: Theatre on next. Claudia Dell, who has the title role, hails from the Broadway stage and also played in “Merry Mary” in London. She makes her debut as a screen star in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs’ in which she enacts a famous. and lovely flirt. Her singing voice is said to be one of rare recording quality. Ernest Torrence sings from the screen for the first time in this production. Although one of the most popular of film character actors, few people know that Torrence was at one time an opera singer and amusical comedy star. His rich baritone voice readily lends itself to the microphone. Another famous singer, as well as" a talented actor, is Walter Pidgeon, who enacts a romantic lead in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs.” For many years he toured with Elsie Janis a a vocalist before joining the movies. In the role of a dashing highwayman, Perry Askam, hero of the stage productions of “The Desert Song’ “The New Moon” and other li’ a operas, also makes his bow ¢f ght * . A 4S a screen personality in this n i atural color special. Alfred E. Green directe y a