Sweet Kitty Bellairs (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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(Advance) Recording of ‘Sweet Kitty Bellairs’”’ Held Up By Crickets While in the quiet hills of La Canada, filming and _ recording “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone romantic comedy in technicolor, which comes to the Theatre next—the cricket menace was discovered. eee ere eee es AAU ALIG «eee eevee Recording during the day went along without a hitch but a certain scene had to be shot just as the sun was going down. Cameras and microphones were all set and director Alfred E. Green gave the signal to go. Just as the scene began, peculiar sounds emanated from the tall grass and the players’ sentences were punctuated with a series of per sistent rat-tat-tats. The sounds were caused by the myriads of crickets. The scene, however, was taken in the rare intervals of silence without the microphone picking up the music of the insects. Claudia Dell has the title role in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs.” The all star cast includes Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam, June Collyer and many others. “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” is a scren version of the David Belasco stage hit of the same name. “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” was inspired by a best selling novel of Egerton Castle. It has all the vital entertainment elements except tragedy. ADVERTISEMENT Were Conventions Meant For Beautiful Women? cwi a SELLAIRS » ANT. ad This famous flirt cast them all to the wind— yet England knelt at her feet! A_ lavish and glamorous picture in All Technicolor! 1-Col. A.d—Style A—Cut or Mat KITTY PLANS NEW CONQUESTS Scene from “Sweet Aitty Bellairs" A Warner Bros.Production “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” Toast of the City of Bath and of London—delights in her power over the destiny of men. Production No. 3—Cut or Mat (Advance) THREE FAMOUS SINGERS IN “SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS” Warner Bros. and Vitaphone Romantic Comedy in Natural Color, Theatre ___._ Next Three famous singing voices that have attracted stage audiences throughout the country are introduced for the first time from the talking screen in “Sweet Kitty Bel lairs,’? the Warner Brothers and Vitaphone romantic comedy in technicolor which comes to the .... eS ‘Pheagtre ext: Claudia Dell, Ernest Torrence and (Advance) Tallest Trio Of All Talkies in “‘Sweet Kitty Bellairs”’ Three of the tallest men on the sereen portray the leading male roles in “Sweet. Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Brothers and Vitaphone romantic comedy in Technicolor which comes to the .......... . TheLh 4s eran an eerer next, Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon ‘and Perry Askam, all of whom are over six feet tall, enact prominent characterizations in this story of love and adventure. Torrence, who is the tallest of the three, measures |. a fraction over six feet four inches. Askam is six feet two inches in height. Pidgeon comes between, being six feet three inches tall. Claudia Dell and June Collyer have the leading feminine roles in “Sweet Kitty HelJlairg,’ which is adapted for the screen from the David Belasco stage play which was inspired by the novel of Egerton Castle. Alfred E. Green directed. The songs in the picture were written by Walter O’Keefe and Bobby Dolan. J Grubb Alexander prepared the scenario. (Advance) Laugh With Victories Of ‘Sweet Kitty” “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone talking, singing romantic comedy in Technicolor, comes to the Theatre next. This screen version of the Belasto stage hit, eee ts ewe ee “Lis the story of the most fascinating of all the world’s flirts. awav. Don’t stay Perry Askam are the possessors of the captivating voices. Miss Dell, a Broadway and London stage favorite, sang leading roles in New York musical productions and played the title role in “Merry Mary,” abroad. Ernest Torrence, famous as a screen actor, is also an operatic and musical comedy baritone of note, He is the holder of the Royal Academy of Music medal for opera singing and attained plaudits for his work in “The Night Boat” in New York. Perry Askam is one of the leading operetta stars of the stage. He was -| hero of “The Desert Song” and “The New Moon.” Both Miss Dell and Askam make their screen debut in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” which is adapted for the sereen from the David Belasco stage hit which was inspired by the novel by Egerton Castle. Walter Pidgeon, June Collyer, Lionel Belmore and others have important roles in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs.” Alfred E. Green directed. _ (Advance) Fair Ziegfeld Follies Girl Lead in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs”’ When Florenz Ziegfeld picked Claudia Dell from thousands of girls to understudy Irene Delroy in his famous “Follies” he can have hardly have prophesied that his newest protege would become a talking picture star, or that she would work on the same lot with the star whom she understudied. Claudia Dell, who is appearing in the title role of Warner Brothers Vitaphone Technicolor production “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” coming to the Theatre next, filmed and recorded the picture at the same time Irene Delroy was working in another Vitaphone film at the same studio—“See Naples and Die” with Charles King. In “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” which was adapted by J. Grubb Alexander from the David Belasco stage hit, Miss Dell portrays a famous flirt of the eighteenth century. Perry Askam, Walter Pidgeon, Ernest Torrence and June Collyer enact other important parts. Alfred E. Green directed, while special songs for the picture were written by Walter O’Keefe and Bobby Dolan. eee ce we we ee REO ALIO Fee ete wee Singing Picture in Natural Colors 4 Warner Bros. Present “SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS,” an All-Talking, (Advance) “SWEET KITTY BELLAIRS” SHOCKS SOCIETY WITH MANY AMOURS Warner Bros. Present Their Latest Talking, Singing Comedy in Natural Color at ' “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Brothers talking and singing romantic comedy in Technicolor, which opens at the .......... TheBiYesOn tes a next, is an adap tation of the David Belasco stage play which was inspired by the novel by Egerton Castle. Beautiful Claudia Dell enacts the (Advance) “Sweet Kitty Bellairs’’ Glorious Romance in Song and Color All the glamor of color, song and romantic adventure are captured in ‘‘Sweet Kitty Bellairs,’’? the Warner Bros. and Vitaphone comedy which comes 104s Theatre Se fee next. The cast includes Claudia Dell, Perry Askam, Walter Pidgeon, Ernest Torrence, June Collyer and a host of others. The picture is an adaptation of the sensational stage hit of Belasco. It is built about the astonishing conquests of Kitty Bellairs, one of the world’s most famous flirts. Du Barry, Nell Gwyn, Ninon de L’Enclos, Peg Woffington and the rest—pale before the gay deviltry of ‘‘Sweet Kitty Bellairs.”’ Next Theatre title role, while the all star cast includes Ernest Torrence, Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam, June Collyer and many others. “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” de‘atg the sensational adventures ' most intriguing of all coque Es the gay town of Bath ana— in London. The gorgeous settings and pretentious backgrounds are lavishly reproduced in natural colors. “Sweet Kitty Bellairs” brilliantly recreates the spirit of romantic adventures. Alfred E. Green who directed “Disraeli” and “The Man from Blankley’s” directed the picture. J. Grubb Alexander did the screen adaptation. The tuneful melodies of the piece were written by Walter O’Keefe and Bobby Dolan. (Advance) ‘Sweet Kitty Bellairs”’ Player, Sea Voyager Aside from those who make the sea their hfe profession, Lionel Belmore claims a layman’s record for TransAtlantic crossings. Belmore, who has a prominent role in “Sweet Kitty Bellairs,” the Warner Brothers and Vitaphone technicolor romantic comedy coming to the ..... Theatre next, made forty round trips between London and New York while a stage actor appearing before the footlights in both of these cities. Claudia Dell, ee eee BUD ALLO 2. ow wo ee eae Ernest Torrence Walter Pidgeon, Perry Askam an June Collyer are featured in “Swe Kitty Bellairs” whiech-is-laid-in-Eneland during the eighteenth century. Alfred E. Green directed. ADVERTISEMENT WARNER BROS present B Canin with CLAUDIA DELL ERNEST TORRENCE WALTER PIDGEON and a great cast. Hear The Song Hit: “YOU—O.-O, I LOVE BUT YOU” As gay as the smile on her lips, as enticing as the light in her eyes, as bright as her golden hair—that’s this brilliant All-Technicolor romance based on the daring love life of history’s most seductive siren. Two Column Ad—Style B—Cut or Mat