Sweet Mama (Warner Bros.) (1930)

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It’s A Story Of The Underworld And A wir ALICE WHITE..d DAVID MANNERS Cut No. 18 Cut goc Mat toc Alice White Flaunts “It” In New Talkie Is Star of “Sweet Mama” Spicy Girl On Screen (CURRENT READER— VITAPHONE) Alice White is appearing current fe ee Theatre in her latest First National and Vitaphone picture, “Sweet Mama,” which is something different in the way of gangster-chorus girl pictures. Earl Baldwin wrote the story, and Edward Cline directed the picture. The plot of “Sweet Mama” deals with the matching of wits between a chorus girl and a gangster chief for possession of the girl’s sweetheart, and it is full of “different” situations, twists and surprises. David Manners plays opposite Miss White. “Sweet Mama” is _ his seeond picture, and it earned him a long-term contract with First National because of his effective work in the hero role. He was the juvenile sensation on Broadway, New York, last year, and then the hit of the film “Journey’s End.” Kenneth Thomson, Rita Flynn, Lee More~ ather favorites figure nram n the east of “Sweet “Wama,” and the background varies rom “tank” towns and_ railroad tains to the big cities. The picture abounds with thrills. ana LADY DIANA’S KIN NOW IN FILM David Manners Scores With Alice White in ‘Sweet Mama’”’ (CURRENT READER— VITAPHONE) * David Manners, leading man with Alice White in First National’s Vitaphone-oireringat the 2. a5 ee ee Theatre, “Sweet Mama,” is a descendant of the famous Manners family of England. Like Lady Diana, he is a descendent of Dorothy Vernon of Haddon Hall, who eloped with and married John Manners back in the care-free spacious days of Queen Elizabeth. Manners, a newcomer to films, though well known on the stage, altered his mode of enunciation for the second time in filming his role in “Sweet Mama.” The first time was when he went to London from his native Canada to play on the stage, where he made a considerable success after he had mastered the quaint vocal style of Piccadilly and the Strand. Now that he has “gone Hollywood” he is once more bringing his accent back to a North American basis. Eddie © Cline directed ‘Sweet Mama,” which includes in its cast also such favorites as Kenneth Thomson, Rita Flynn and Lee Moran. Cut No. 9 Cut 4oc Mat roc SWEET M Dicscicd hy Cline Edward Ut A FIRST NATIONAL~\¥iTAPHD. AMA IMeeting guns wiih guile. Playing the sweet mama of a racketeer and saving her real sweetheart’s life! ze GQ with ALICE WHITE DAVID MANNERS Lee Moran Kenneth Thomson And An Excellent Vitaphone Varieties Cuter than cute, she’s a sweet mama in sour company . gangsters sweetie whose cunning makes big shots look like small See her fight bullets with kisses to make a crooked kid go timers. straight. “Girl Who Outwits Its Desperados Better than ‘ a And better than any LOEWS STATE”::, O/JRECTION~ WEST COAST THEATRES INC, oirosdiay Babies.” story you ve seen in a long, long time. Directed by Edward Cline. With many of your screen favorites in the big supporting cast! with ALICE WHITE and David Manners ~ Wonder-Boy Of “Journey’s End” Kenneth . Thomson Rita Flynn Lee Moran Cut No. 8 Cut 60¢ Mat 15¢ gangster New Talkie Jobs Give Funny Duties',.....:;,. “Fish Boy” Appears On Set in Alice White’s “Sweet Mama” (ADVANCE READER— VITAPHONE) The talking picture is creating. about one new job per day as it develops, according to Edward Cline, noted film director. Cline’s latest production is the First National and Vitaphone offering coming to the Theatie= = sae ,» “Sweet Mama,” in which Alice White, David Manners, Kenneth Thomson, Lee Moran, Rita Flynn and other favorites appear. In this production alone, three new jobs connected with sound photography and recording developed, according to Cline. The director, incidentally, welcomes sound as a valuable tool with which to work out celluloid drama. Cline declares: “It has a peculiar significance to me, because I was merely a wellknown comedy director when the talkies came, and since then I have been able to get entirely out of that Rite: Among the funny jobs listed by Cline is the one held by the “fish boy.” The fish boy squats on tor of a booth containing a sound camera with a regular bamboo fishing pole in his hand. At the end of the pole is the microphone, suspended as to weight from the top of the stage, but guided over the set from one player to another by the pole. The boy thus fishes, not for fish, but for sound waves! Gangsters and Girls! An “inside” glimpse of the rela of gangsters and chorus girls, seen in First National’s “Sweet Mama,” at the Theatre, with Alice White in the stellar role, gives a new light, also, on recent news items from Chicago. Chorus girls there and also proprietresses of tea rooms complained of gangsters monopolizing them and “searing away other customers.” Studied Crook Dialect Super-realism in crook dialect as a result of studying the gangster argot in Cicero, Ill., and New York City, gives Earl Baldwin, famous scenario writer, the edge on his brothers in writing gangster dialect. Baldwin wrote “Sweet Mama,’ First National’s current Vitaphone atiraction= at thet=2 2 7 The in which Alice White, David Kenneth Thomson and atre, Manners, other favorites appear. Siveet Mama In The Eternal Triangle David Manners, Alice W inie, aid menneth Lhomson in the leading roles of “Sweet Mama.’ A First National and Vitaphone Picture at the oe Theatre. Cut No. 13 Cut 30c Mat roc Page Three