Sweet Music (Warner Bros.) (1935)

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Famous In Brand New 6-Day Contest (Mth Day Contest) Two You Can’t Miss (LOWER LEFT) You know how it is To sit like this; What did he tell her Would give him bliss? (Ans. “Hold My Hand” ) ~ (UPPER RIGHT) You love me! I love you! Even your pets Love my pets, too! (Ans. “My Dog Loves Your Dog’’) (4th Day Publicity) Rudy Vallee Song Title Contest Proves Big Hit Stand by, Everybody, for an important announcement from the ‘‘Sweet Music’’ Contest Editor of the ..........00.00000... (newspaper) about the big contest now entering its final stages. Apparently everybody in this district has been listening to Rudy Vallee’s broadcasts for the past six years, and everyone thinks he knows the songs he has made famous, 12 of which form the basis of this contest which offers cash and theatre tickets as a reward for accuracy. (3rd Day Publicity) Cash and Theatre Tickets Waiting For Test Winners Here are two songs that everyone should recognize as soon as they see the illustrations. Then besides, the jingles give them away. Just remember that Rudy Vallee made these two songs famous; the big majority of people know the tunes, and that the illustrations come from scenes in Rudy Vallee’s starring picture ‘‘Sweet Music,’’ which opens at the-::...0.00..0000.5.... WHOATTOS ON save. 2s s-csaiasteus ee ess Russet Remember, too, that there are but 12 songs to identify and that the prizes for accuracy are: $10.00 in eash, first prize; % 5.00 in cash, second prize; $ 3.00 in cash, third prize; $ 1.00 in cash, 4th to 10th prizes; 2 tickets to thes...3.c:-.:. Thea tre, as 10 additional prizes. The Contest Editor has been very lenient so far. Most of the contestants who have called up the De ets .... (newspaper) office say they have had no difficulty in identifying the first six songs. The Today, the Contest Editor has selected two more scenes from Warner Bros.’ newest musical ‘“Sweet Music,’’ which opens at (15s a an ee ee Theatre, on........ ies sseeeee Rudy Vallee is the star. These scenes illustrate two of the songs Rudy Vallee has made known to the world, and to help contestants along, the Contest Editor has added jingles which really tell the secret of the song titles. Just study the pictures. Everything in them means something to those who are trying to win one of the valuable prizes. We can’t tell you any more about these illustrations, or the contest would be too easy. But we can tell you that the first prize is $10; that the second prize is $5; the third, $3; that there are seven prizes of $1 each and that there are 10 additional prizes, each one being two tickets? to:the = .0:.5,..06)5..%. Theatre, to see ‘‘Sweet Music.’’ Two pictures, each one representing a song Rudy Vallee has made famous have been published daily for three days. This is the fourth set.2The contestends:..4..5...0.0::..and all answers should be sent to the ‘‘Sweet Music’’ Contest Editor Digit oa we (newspaper) before that date. remaining six are no harder. Send answers to the ‘‘Sweet Music’? Contest Editor of the =n Piel SI Be (newspaper) before (Sth Day Publicity) Fans Can Still Try For Prizes In Big Contest Attention, Radio Fans! Stand by, Motion Picture Fans! There is still time for you to enter the big ‘‘Sweet Music’’ Contest now being conducted by 1d AY Emenee oar eee (newspaper). Simply get the four preceding Copies of the... 2c:.......-.si6---2 (newspaper) and clip the scenes from the newest Warner Bros. musical ‘“¢Sweet Music,’’ which have been selected because they illustrate, perfectly, certain songs which Rudy Vallee, star of that picture, has made famous during his six years as a leading radio entertainer. Today the fifth pair of songs is illustrated. There will be 12 songs in all, each one not only easily identified by the pictures, but made even easier by the jingles that have been written just to help you win one of the cash prizes or free fckéts= tor the = sae oeers cca: theatre where Rudy Vallee will star in ‘‘Sweet Music’’ beginning ........... ri Today’s song titles seem difficult to name at the first glance of the illustrations. But study them carefully. Let your memory start working. Read the jingles. Now think. That’s it. You’ve probably got the right answers. But suppose you have made a mistake, you still have a good chance to win. Prizes will be awarded for the most accurate lists submitted to the ‘‘Sweet Music’’ Contest Edi torofe thes. =< (newspaper ) DOLOTO 2. OS rn Not everyone will get all 12 titles correctly. The final pair of pictures will be published tomorrow together with the names of the judges. Even if you don’t win, you’ll have a lot of fun thinking of the fine songs you have heard during Rudy Vallee’s broadcasts. And here’s another helping suggestion. In each of these articles a hint has been given which should help you name the song. So you have had three hints for every song. The scene from ‘‘Sweet Music,’’ the jingles and the clue that a kindly contest editor has inserted. (Sth Day Contest) (TOP LEFT) A song for the kegs And him who taps ’em, A song for all drinks, And him who laps ’em. (Ans. “Drunkard Song’’ ) (LOWER RIGHT) You can’t find out For all your nosir’; Maybe it’s not, But then, just....! (Ans. “‘Supposin’ ” ) (6th Day Publicity) Rudy Vallee Song Title Contest Will End Monday Here’s the last chance to win cash and free theatre tickets by identifying some of the songs Rudy Vallee has made famous. For the past five days the NLT Seman (newspaper) has published scenes from Warner Bros.’ newest comedy-musical ‘‘Sweet Musie,’’ each of which perfectly illustrates one of the (6th Day Contest) Gotta say good bye To ya, gal, and go; Pm the big wind, see, And I gotta blow! (Ans. “Fare Thee Well, Annabelle’’ ) Last Call For Prizes “Trust me, ’'m cr-azy About you, trust me. Do trust me, babe, or You’re gonna bust me!” (Ans. “Believe Me I Love You, Believe Me’’ ) songs identified with Rudy Vallee. The last pair appears today. Study them carefully. If you express the meaning of the right hand jingle in a less slangy fashion, you’ll have a-clue to one song title. The other is already selfevident. There is still plenty of opportunity to win the $10 bill which is offered as first prize. The other prizes are $5.00, for the second most accurate list of song titles submitted; third prize, $3.00. There will be seven $1.00 prizes and ten pairs of tickets to the Bee RO Theatre where ‘‘Sweet Music,’’ which stars Rudy Vallee, with Ann Dvorak in the leading feminine role, will open on....... See Others in the cast include Helen Morgan, Ned Sparks, Robért Armstrong, Alice White, Allen Jenkins, Joseph Cawthorn and Al Shean. I: Not only have Warner Bros. surrounded Rudy Vallee with a most unusual supporting east, but they have given him a story the plot of which nearly parallels the star’s own life. It is replete with action, humor, and music, and in addition there are hundreds of Hollywood’s prettiest girls in remarkable dance spectacles directed by Bobby Connolly. Each picture shown here illustrates one song. To make identification easier, a jingle is also published, which really tells the name of the song. All lists, each of which must name the 12 songs, must be submitted to the ‘‘Sweet Music Contest. Editor of thes.A.........2-. (newsPAPEL) ~DeLOle. 22 ee The judges are: (Insert names of judges). _ Names of ‘winners will be published as soon as the judges complete their work of. checking the lists submitted. Page Seven